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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 10, 2019

Guitarist AC DC signature shirt

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Buy it:  Guitarist AC DC signature shirt Perhaps there should be a requirement for all Parties to present at least two candidates to represent their Party in each constituency seat. Simply re-electing the same MPs will achieve nothing, let them work for their vote and represent their voters.  in all honesty how can anyone vote tory? 130,000 deaths since 2010 through austerity cuts not 1 of them the bankers who caused the crash. people with terminal cancer losing benefits as the Guitarist AC DC signature shirt  deemed them fit for work. the NHS decimated the police ambulance and fire service cut to the bone . it's true what they say only idiots and billionaires vote tory check your bank balance to see what one you are! From:   shop funnny shirt

Friends Alice In Wonderland Tim Burton shirt

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Buy it:  Friends Alice In Wonderland Tim Burton shirt I foresee a hung parliament to be honest with brexit party, conservative and liberal dem taking the votes. People know where these three parties stand.Boris you have our Vote, I would vote for the brexit party but that might leave our Boris votes low which is what the other partys are trying to do, be carefull out there.And then what when they lose again? More delay tactics? More spanners flying around in the Friends Alice In Wonderland Tim Burton shirt . We shall see. We can only hope they accept the loss this time. From:   shop funnny shirt

Gift Christmas Nurse shirt

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Buy it:  Gift Christmas Nurse shirt Even I am confused now. So see if this is right No deal is off so there is a deal that we have until 31st December to get a majority for so why an election why not trash it out between themself sort out what's good and bad etc and then do the Gift Christmas Nurse shirt  deal. Why do an election disturbing people knocking on doors. The vote was won to leave we have a deal that's isn't perfect but isn't no deal or staying. Labour voter I am but really feel unless he says clear and loud where he stands and gets off the fence. If he still respects our Leave vote then he will get my vote if not then for the 1st time I will vote Boris and that will hurt. From:   shop funnny shirt

Good girls go to heaven bad girls go to LUX shirt

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Buy it:  Good girls go to heaven bad girls go to LUX shirt Get rid of all the Good girls go to heaven bad girls go to LUX shirt  currently in power and start again with new fresh people who actually do what the public ask them to do  ust bloody leave already deal or no deal getting fed up of this and we elect these big baby’s to do are bidding and we never voted to leave with a deal it was for are we in or out. From:   shop funnny shirt

I just want to drink wine and watch my Notre Dame beat your team’s ass shirt

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Buy it:  I just want to drink wine and watch my Notre Dame beat your team’s ass shirt No labour. Labour out. We don't like labour. Labour stinks.. Labour is yesterday. Labour is the devil in devil's clothes. Labour the I just want to drink wine and watch my Notre Dame beat your team’s ass shirt  and Sickle. Labour is wearing pink stockings and suspenders and high heel shoes.Pity we couldn't have a referendum about whether WE want a general election. They have a strange concept of democracy. They get a general election every 2 years, we get a referendum every 40 years and 3 1/2 years after the last one they keep saying it would be 'undemocratic' to have another one.... what a twisted concept of democracy. Roll on some better form of government this lot are just self-serving time-wasters quoting things like "The will of the people" Blaaaah! From:   shop funnny shirt

Not your ernst shirt

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Buy it:  Not your ernst shirt  Many won't vote as their vote has been ignored, how valid will any further votes be , it doesn't matter what happens those that win can just be ignored now I'l be ticking my box won't be wasting my vote  don't be silly get out and vote... if the Not your ernst shirt voters had bothered in the referendum we wouldn't be here now wether it had been leave or remain, one way or another we would of had the a majority either side couldn't of argued with. From:   shop funnny shirt

Retro Houston Baseball Colors Vintage Texas Map Shirt

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Buy it:  Retro Houston Baseball Colors Vintage Texas Map Shirt I'm dilemma is if l vote tory to get this brexit thing started etc leaving the e u won't we be in the same boat again with labour blocking the Retro Houston Baseball Colors Vintage Texas Map Shirt  and other politicians doing the same as now the tories could win but that don't mean to say they can achieve brexit.GE because politicians can’t do their jobs. So put it back to the people. Brexit and deciding who is running the country should not be mixed. This is not Boris The Bold but Boris Passing the Buck. From:   shop funnny shirt

Turkey go pluck your self shirt

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Buy it:  Turkey go pluck your self shirt some people seem to forget that other there's more to Britain than England. Must be something to do with a pathological hatred for any form of union between nations.no the Labour party want to let the people decide if they want this deal which would give people a better idea of what Brexit will mean which wasn't the Turkey go pluck your self shirt  in the original referendum or else to remain. The Tory party especially Boris has done nothing but lie about Brexit and thrown the DUP under a bus when it suited them used them when it suited them as well. You can't believe a word this man says and if he is voted in by the people which he has not been to date God help us all. It will take years to get Brexit done if it happens at all, leaving is just the beginning. It probably won't be completed in my lifetime. Hope everyone realises that it will not happen overnight. From:   shop funnny shirt

Washington team Nats lifetime member shirt

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Buy it:  Washington team Nats lifetime member shirt  This is now the opportunity for the Washington team Nats lifetime member shirt  of England to do something that will be historic in years to come. Vote in a majority government and make them govern to the will of their electorate.Jimmy Miller whats Ireland got to do with it. They don't vote in a British election. The people of northern Ireland can vote in local mps but some don't take their seats. Reference to sinn fein. From:   shop funnny shirt

Father of Kittens Breakfast is coming shirt

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Buy it:  Father of Kittens Breakfast is coming shirt You rant on as much as you want but you have not provided an explanation as to why all people are not allowed a voice. Many people who hold the same view point as yourself fall back to the shallow too stupid to understand argument. It's a broken record and the bulk of the hypocrites lie firmly with those who deny a result that was asked as a direct question.I do believe firmly in parliamentary democracy and the Father of Kittens Breakfast is coming shirt  of everyone regardless of race gender class to have a voice. The wailing and hand wringing of the so called inteligencia has to stop. From:   shop funnny shirt

Under Armour Pitbull mom shirt

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Buy it:  Under Armour Pitbull mom shirt  Smith Perfect disregard of Universal Suffrage people died to achieve and protect the right of every citizen to have a vote and a voice. You sanctimonious arrogant prick what would you suggest for a new system then? the Under Armour Pitbull mom shirt  are relying on Leave voters being so hacked off that they do not vote. I feel the same way you do but must vote, if for no other reason than to have a voice. From:   shop funnny shirt

Vintage Teacher Definition knows more than she says and notices morethan you realise shirt

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Buy it:  Vintage Teacher Definition knows more than she says and notices morethan you realise shirt Chris Arthur yes but who does she vote for. The Vintage Teacher Definition knows more than she says and notices morethan you realise shirt  have been in charged from the outset and have got you nowhere. If she votes Labour she may get a second chance to vote in a referendum and confirm beyond doubt that the country wants to Leave. Gail Roach also remember some parties / MP’s would have carried out the outcome of the vote but others have prevented that from happening so remember that when you cast your vote. From:   shop funnny shirt

Rick and Morty Supper Last water reflection shirt

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Buy it:  Rick and Morty Supper Last water reflection shirt Nows your chance to vote out this who have denied your rights not voting just increases their chance to stay in Parliament  Anne Evans unfortunately in our two tier system a vote for anything other than Labour is essentially a tory vote and vice versa Andrew Moore hey mate. I don’t live in the UK. It wouldn’t bother me if we did leave personally as then when the pound and housing market drops I can make some money from the safety of the Rick and Morty Supper Last water reflection shirt  stable economy I am in. From:   shop funnny shirt

Jesus loves you but I don’t go fuck yourself shirt

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Buy it:  Jesus loves you but I don’t go fuck yourself shirt I can't help to notice the difference between the last lame president and President Trump. Speaking openly about this ISIS POS is like a god who has struck down with vengeance. And then giving credit to where credit is due. The Jesus loves you but I don’t go fuck yourself shirt and it's supporters should be scared, very scared. Because after President Trump's reelection, he, his administration and his great loving American citizens shall take action at the polls and we shall take down those responsible for trying to overthrow a dully elected president. The American people's will stop at nothing until we right that which the left has wronged. Keep on keeping Mr. President! Do the will of your country!  From:   shop funnny shirt

50 Years of Washington Nationals thank you for the memories signature shirt

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Buy it: 50 Years of Washington Nationals thank you for the memories signature shirt Great job President Trump I'm glad you did not tell Nancy Pelosi they would have screwed it up like they did Benghazi or like they did when they told the 50 Years of Washington Nationals thank you for the memories signature shirt of California that ice was coming for the illegal immigrants This is another cheap article. Russia has been involved in the Middle East conflict for years. World leaders notify each other of such massive operations regardless. WaPo still won’t investigate how ISIS got US-made weapons during the presidency of Obama. From:   shop funnny shirt

All I Want For Christmas Is White Claw Black Cherry shirt

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Buy it: All I Want For Christmas Is White Claw Black Cherry shirt On another subject Gillian Turner is another liberal on Fox News. For them to insinuate that President Trump is the All I Want For Christmas Is White Claw Black Cherry shirt that started this investigate the investigators only to draw attention away from impeachment is laughable. What the Obama administration did to him is outrageous and they need to get to the bottom of it. If somebody committed a crime they need to pay even if they’re a Democrat! From:   shop funnny shirt

All I Want For Christmas Is White Claw Mango shirt

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Buy it:  All I Want For Christmas Is White Claw Mango shirt A tough buy until our military hunt him down like a dog with it's tail between it's legs. A message to all who follow this idiotology. Always know. Your leader was running and crying like a little girl.Tomorrow's headline: "Trump claims that pacifist religious scholar and devout Islamic leader died after being shot in the All I Want For Christmas Is White Claw Mango shirt by a bigoted, white soldier while fleeing for his life; why it's entirely Trump's fault". From:   shop funnny shirt

All I Want For Christmas Is White Claw Pure shirt

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Buy it:  All I Want For Christmas Is White Claw Pure shirt Who let the All I Want For Christmas Is White Claw Pure shirt out ruff ruff ruff ruff trump did what he said he was going to do and Democrats are still ticked off probably because they can’t have there toys to play with Democrats he’s running a county not toys r us they have nothing and never to prove wahat they say its true us soldies alwaya carrying camera but when they kiled osama and now baghdadi they off their cameras i dnt why they afraid to show us their execution like saddam hussain which was most viral video in that time like tese show us baghdadi's execution. From:   shop funnny shirt

All I Want For Christmas Is White Claw Raspberry shirt

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Buy it: All I Want For Christmas Is White Claw Raspberry shirt Dogs are a lot braver than we are when they have to die. Did you ever have to have a dog put down, they never go kicking and screaming they. Are always brave, it’s only the All I Want For Christmas Is White Claw Raspberry shirt that die like that.just say the jerk is deceased. and we are a little bit safer, because of it. im sure theyr are many more out there as bad, if nit worse than him tht are looking for Americans, to hurt or kill. From:   shop funnny shirt

All I Want For Christmas Is White Claw Ruby Grapefruit shirt

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Buy it:  All I Want For Christmas Is White Claw Ruby Grapefruit shirt Don’t get me wrong his wording sounds so poor and primitive. He talks like a teenager not at all like an adult. Especially a person who represents a county should be a bit carefully with it . He sounds for many plump and primitive and like a child that got caught by something.I really think the All I Want For Christmas Is White Claw Ruby Grapefruit shirt said It on purpose to insult al-Bagdadi. To say that some one is like a dog Is insulting for muslims. From:   shop funnny shirt

MLB Dragon Ball Characters we vibe different shirt

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Buy it: MLB Dragon Ball Characters we vibe different shirt My kind fellow Americans! Hello! Wouldn’t it be awesome if you had a place where you can openly talk about the MLB Dragon Ball Characters we vibe different shirt problems in the world and not worry about someone insulting your thoughts or feelings? Our group is a private, tight-knit community where you can do just that. Help us become enlightened to the ever-changing world so we can understand and grow together. From:   shop funnny shirt

White Claw Black Cherry Sparkling Reinbeer Christmas shirt

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Buy it:  White Claw Black Cherry Sparkling Reinbeer Christmas shirt  I didn't say anything negative about the White Claw Black Cherry Sparkling Reinbeer Christmas shirt mission nor did I down play the actions of the military personnel involved. My point was if a mission of this magnitude was being carried out the least the president could do was practice a better speech. For example, there was a speech prepared should Apollo 11 not make it back. It was never read but it was still prepared. From:   shop funnny shirt

White Claw Natural Lime Sparkling Reinbeer Christmas Shirt

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Buy it:  White Claw Natural Lime Sparkling Reinbeer Christmas Shirt  Pretty sad when you know that the White Claw Natural Lime Sparkling Reinbeer Christmas Shirt will leak information to disrupt or ruin an important military mission just to make the president look bad. They truly do hate this president more than they love this country.so you’re president is announcing a big victory for world security not just your country and no all you care about is him not having a written speech? Come on; who bewitched you Americans? From:   shop funnny shirt

White Claw Pure Sparkling Reinbeer Christmas Shirt

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Buy it: White Claw Pure Sparkling Reinbeer Christmas Shirt These are wild animals that needs serious taming and care before being brought to the audience for show casing to avoid shut like this Didn't the White Claw Pure Sparkling Reinbeer Christmas Shirt identify as a human and beating all wrestling world records? Isn't this what we do now? No bigotry, if the bear thinks he's a human who are we to say any different? From:   shop funnny shirt

White Claw Rasberry Sparkling Reinbeer Christmas shirt

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Buy it: White Claw Rasberry Sparkling Reinbeer Christmas shirt  This article totally contradicts itself. First it says that he bit the trainer and then later in the article says the bear was wearing a muzzle on its mouth the White Claw Rasberry Sparkling Reinbeer Christmas shirt time. Which is it? A bear can't bite anyone with a muzzle on its mouth. wild animal did what a wild animal does! What is a criminal investigation for, are they going to charge the animal for crimes against humanity? The handler was fortunate that he wasn’t mauled to death in an instant! From:   shop funnny shirt

Rick and Morty MIB water reflection shirt

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Buy it:  Rick and Morty MIB water reflection shirt See more:  Rick and Morty MIB water reflection shirt Dems are running scared. They can't beat him fairly and they know it. So, this charade. If nothing else it's a feel good scenario for the Rick and Morty MIB water reflection shirt  lost and frantic Liberals.It's OK, they are setting precedent for Republicans to do it to the next Democrat President we won't accept as President and say they aren't our President either. This is how the country gets so divided. Democrats change the rules then get mad when the rules are used against them. From:   shop funnny shirt

Pink Floyd The Child is grown the dream is gone and I have become comfortably numb shirt

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Buy it:  Pink Floyd The Child is grown the dream is gone and I have become comfortably numb shirt See more:  Pink Floyd The Child is grown the dream is gone and I have become comfortably numb shirt Never before has what the Pink Floyd The Child is grown the dream is gone and I have become comfortably numb shirt  are trying to do has ever been tried they know they can't win so they are doing and breaking the laws of the land to have thier way this has to stop no matter which party it is you have to go by the laws of the Constitution that is why they want to change the Constitution and everything else that don't go thier way. From:   shop funnny shirt

Philadelphia Flyers Christmas Tree Shirt

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Buy it:  Philadelphia Flyers Christmas Tree Shirt See more:  Philadelphia Flyers Christmas Tree Shirt Republicans are the Philadelphia Flyers Christmas Tree Shirt  bunch I've ever seen. These fools said Democrats are holding "secret meetings" that 43 of their own members are apart of.I just wonder why so many people now a day lack a common sense and forget about the laws, rules and the Constitution? Is it a lack of knowledge or a lack of intelligence? From:   shop funnny shirt

Mickey Mouse Houston Astros Champions shirt

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Buy it:  Mickey Mouse Houston Astros Champions shirt See more:  Mickey Mouse Houston Astros Champions shirt He is so right and it is just a tactic they are using for his last year this term. Turn off the Mickey Mouse Houston Astros Champions shirt  and be thankful for how much better our country is with him as President. I would vote for Newt in a heartbeat in 2024 after Trump's next term.Someone lock him in a room with law books and constitution and don't let him out until he learns differently. Then again he's a Crood so astonished he can read. From:   shop funnny shirt

Joker some men just want to watch the world burn shirt

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Buy it:  Joker some men just want to watch the world burn shirt See more:  Joker some men just want to watch the world burn shirt Too early to tell until the Joker some men just want to watch the world burn shirt  get behind a single front runner. I would bet that the majority of Republicans would vote for any decent candidate who had the same stance on abortion and was considered more trustworthy and respectful towards women. Nikki Haley could beat him in a heartbeat if she ran now. From:   shop funnny shirt

Grinch I hate People but I love my Nationals shirt

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Buy it:  Grinch I hate People but I love my Nationals shirt See more:  Grinch I hate People but I love my Nationals shirt  Hillary won 20 states. America voted for him not just the major liberal states; CA,NY. Since the unprecedented investigation has taken place Trump and the RNC has taken in $millions leaving the DNC in the Grinch I hate People but I love my Nationals shirt . Remove your blinders, Jim.Jim Leppik guess i'm an idiot then because i'm 100 % voting for trump again !! not afraid to admit it either, I love this man and think he's an amazing president. I mean ok sure maybe his language can be a bit cringy at times lol but we are willing to over look that because he loves this country and is doing an amazing job man. From:   shop funnny shirt

Friends Rick Morty and Bojack Horseman shirt

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Buy it:  Friends Rick Morty and Bojack Horseman shirt See more:  Friends Rick Morty and Bojack Horseman shirt I’m so sick of hearing about this! The Friends Rick Morty and Bojack Horseman shirt  lost the election and have no one that can win the next one and that’s the bottom line. This is their only hope and they are scared! You can’t argue with this, name someone that can beat President Trump? You can’t, look at his rallies compared to any democrats.This has nothing to do with who won the last election!This has everything to do with the fact that Trump asked for foreign Nations to help him get dirt on Biden, on Trump withholding help in order to get an investigation and the fact that this runs 100% according to rules laid out by the GOPs in 2015! From:   shop funnny shirt

Boston Walking Bucket Carsen Edwards shirt

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Buy it:  Boston Walking Bucket Carsen Edwards shirt See more:  Boston Walking Bucket Carsen Edwards shirt Doesn´t seem a strange that there are no mass electric charging stations for electric transportation, no infrastructure being constructed for clean environments and transportation. Who´s responsibility is it to build this infrastructure governments or private corporations?? Petrol stations are owned or leased by the Boston Walking Bucket Carsen Edwards shirt  corporations installing chargers would be cutting their oil profits to zero. Should governments require that all petrol stations offer charging stations also? From:   shop funnny shirt

Astros Girl classy sassy and a bit smart assy sunset shirt

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Buy it:  Astros Girl classy sassy and a bit smart assy sunset shirt See more:  Astros Girl classy sassy and a bit smart assy sunset shirt Trump is doing what he can to get rid of the Astros Girl classy sassy and a bit smart assy sunset shirt  that are not any good for America so we need to get rid of the Democrats , voting Republican makes America number 1 in the world CA can not make their own trade agreements. The atheist, socialist Communist Democrat Party and its members feel they can do what ever they want. Hope our President wins. From:   shop funnny shirt

American League Champs 2019 shirt

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Buy it:  American League Champs 2019 shirt See more:  American League Champs 2019 shirt If the people that have any common sense don't pay attention to this our country will eventually be lost to the radical left. They have infiltrated our every way of life teaching our youth thru lies and omitting truths. They choose not to teach our youth the legacy of the USA that has made us the greatest country in the American League Champs 2019 shirt . Our youth should be taught to remember who we are, how we got here and who got us here. This is the void in our school system. The right must wake up to these facts if we want to continue on with the same country that we grew up in. It's simple just look around today and ask yourself is this what I live and fought for? From:   shop funnny shirt

Official Volkswagen Beetle Led Zeppelin shirt

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Buy it:  Official Volkswagen Beetle Led Zeppelin shirt See more:  Official Volkswagen Beetle Led Zeppelin shirt California needs to be cleaned up. They are way out of hand and the President should have US Marshalls remove some of those Communist imbedded there in their State government. A lot of voter fraud going on there and should be seriously investigated.Most businesses realize that the future growth of their companies relies on youth. With that thought in mind this is exactly what the democratic party understands and is promoting their agenda to, this will be their future of the radical left if the Official Volkswagen Beetle Led Zeppelin shirt  gets their way. From:   shop funnny shirt

James Harden One Leg Challenge shirt

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Buy it:  James Harden One Leg Challenge shirt See more:  James Harden One Leg Challenge shirt  Trump,is an outspoken climate change skeptic?He is a climate scientists skeptic.He knows more than all of those scientist that base their finding on facts.How stupid are they when a genius like Trump who knows everything about climate.As Trump says America has the cleanest,bested water in the world,no lead in the James Harden One Leg Challenge shirt  water.The air is the freshest cleanest air in the world,no pollution in America.Trump is the greatest scientist in the whole of the world. From:   shop funnny shirt

Stone 50 years Let It Bleed 1969 2019 signature shirt

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Buy it:  Stone 50 years Let It Bleed 1969 2019 signature shirt See more:  Stone 50 years Let It Bleed 1969 2019 signature shirt He is literally saying he wants the Stone 50 years Let It Bleed 1969 2019 signature shirt  to be less clean. I miss Reagan and even Nixon. They at least pretended to care about the environment. Reagan passed Californias higher air quakity standards and Nixon signed the Clean Air Act. False. It wasn’t the State of California that exceeded its authority. It was the governor. Send in the Marines. Arrest him. If he resists, use deadly force. From:   shop funnny shirt

Pause to remember 11 11 11 shirt

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Buy it:  Pause to remember 11 11 11 shirt See more:  Pause to remember 11 11 11 shirt The Pause to remember 11 11 11 shirt legislation would require campaigns to disclose illegal offers of campaign assistance from foreign governments and would restrict campaign-related communication between candidates and foreign governments. It would also require more transparency in political ads on social media such as Facebook and Twitter. I think it’s hilarious. The writer called it childish....uh, let’s talk about exactly what the Democrats have been doing with taxpayer money this term. It’s a giant temper tantrum of stealing money from every imaginable source to fund this bogus impeachment. From:   shop funnny shirt

Mickey Mouse Happy Thanksgiving shirt

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Buy it:  Mickey Mouse Happy Thanksgiving shirt See more:  Mickey Mouse Happy Thanksgiving shirt  I don't want foreign interference in our elections. But get real people. This is the age of the world wide internet. There is no way to stop posts from around the Mickey Mouse Happy Thanksgiving shirt . All the democrats could do is stop posts from Americans and political interests here. It's a stupid law The Democrats only float symbolic liberal garbage. They don’t have any intention of trying to pass meaningful legislation. From:   shop funnny shirt

It’s a hallmark christmas movie coffee kind of day Snoopy and Woodstock shirt

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Buy it:  It’s a hallmark christmas movie coffee kind of day Snoopy and Woodstock shirt See more:  It’s a hallmark christmas movie coffee kind of day Snoopy and Woodstock shirt How about the It’s a hallmark christmas movie coffee kind of day Snoopy and Woodstock shirt KKK Democrats becoming transparent in their illegal impeachment that they are doing in a secure area that is intended only for hearing that involve federal security. And the impeachment has nothing to do with state secrets except the Antifa KKK Democrat secrets. They are breaking their oath to follow our Constitution and to work for ALL Americans and not themselves. From:   shop funnny shirt

I can do all things through Christ who strength than me Autism Cross shirt

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Buy it:  I can do all things through Christ who strength than me Autism Cross shirt See more:  I can do all things through Christ who strength than me Autism Cross shirt More democrat trickery. They cannot be trusted to be involved in a fair election. We have seen illegals that they get out to vote, and they do everything to cheat, because the democrats have no message to run on, so, they have to cheat to win. I would not trust a democrat and their legislation in our election.The I can do all things through Christ who strength than me Autism Cross shirt Amendment does not give a carte blanche to those spreading lies and Russian propaganda. Furthermore, one would expect Republicans to endorse campaign security unless they too, like the POTUS, are deferring to the Russians. From:   shop funnny shirt

Hail Santa Christmas Sweat shirt

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Buy it:  Hail Santa Christmas Sweat shirt See more:  Hail Santa Christmas Sweat shirt Of course Republicans dont want this. Some of their own have already been caught for election fraud and they dont want to lose anymore lol  So republicans are mad because, "The Hail Santa Christmas Sweat shirt legislation would require campaigns to disclose illegal offers of campaign assistance from foreign governments and would restrict campaign-related communication between candidates and foreign governments..." From:   shop funnny shirt

Friends Baby Spider Man And Stitch shirt

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Buy it:  Friends Baby Spider Man And Stitch shirt See more:  Friends Baby Spider Man And Stitch shirt I so fear for my grandchildren. They know not what they're doing. They will not listen to anything that opposes the Friends Baby Spider Man And Stitch shirt brainwashing they have received. Soon I will be the only person they can express their opinions too. Pelosi and the rest of her mob have no interest in protecting our elections. What a joke!! If they did, they would be for voter ID and not letting illegals vote. From:   shop funnny shirt

Eeyore this is my hallmark movie watching shirt

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Buy it:  Eeyore this is my hallmark movie watching shirt See more:  Eeyore this is my hallmark movie watching shirt We, the people should all support our president in cleaning the Eeyore this is my hallmark movie watching shirt that has been our worst enemy for to many years, we need to help take our country back and be successful in making it great again for the future generations to survive.Steve King, who lost his committee assignments due to professed support for white supremacists, and Rep. Matt Gaetz, who sent a threatening tweet to Michael Cohen before his testimony. From:   shop funnny shirt

Black sabbath heaven and hell shirt

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Buy it:  Black sabbath heaven and hell shirt See more:  Black sabbath heaven and hell shirt It’s their last resort as many Democrats have said “he will win if we don’t impeach him” not to mention it’s payback for impeaching Clinton, which it will backfire and guarantee re-election barring some miracle.Its odd, weird, they have nothing, wssting taxpayer money, their hatred drives them to stupidity. There is nothing impeachable here. The Black sabbath heaven and hell shirt are driving normal people away from their party. Hatred is not a good motivation and that party is not thinking clearly. They are Godless and desperate. Sin usually reveals itself in this manner. Pelosi needs to go. From:   shop funnny shirt

Animal House Movie Horror Friends Shirt

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Buy it:  Animal House Movie Horror Friends Shirt See more:  Animal House Movie Horror Friends Shirt he Demonrats are going wild ....it’s like shooting fish in a barrel. Gnashing teeth is in my mind’s eye. I bet a lot of millennials & generation z don’t understand what I said. He will be exposed, impeached and prosecuted for leading Americans into his personal fantasy... deliberately tossing away a vast amount of Americans hard-working tax dollars. That’s how the Animal House Movie Horror Friends Shirt  offices in this country should proceed. From:   shop funnny shirt

I suck the mothman’s dick in point pleasant west Virginia shirt

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Buy it:  I suck the mothman’s dick in point pleasant west Virginia shirt See more:  I suck the mothman’s dick in point pleasant west Virginia shirt Only reason Trump Jr. is saying this crap is because his dad and his family are gaining off from the American citizens and foreign countries and foreign leaders. Since Trump Sr. Became president.  Schiff lied to congress with an absurd and slanderous interpretation of the I suck the mothman’s dick in point pleasant west Virginia shirt words to paint him in the worst light possible. Schiff isn't interested in the rule of law, he's interested in furthering his own ends, regardless of how many lies he has to tell to do it. From:   shop funnny shirt

All I need today is a little bit of Snoopy and a whole lot of Jesus shirt

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Buy it:  All I need today is a little bit of Snoopy and a whole lot of Jesus shirt See more: All I need today is a little bit of Snoopy and a whole lot of Jesus shirt Do you trust your dad? You know the All I need today is a little bit of Snoopy and a whole lot of Jesus shirt that cheated on his wives, that doesn’t pay employees, that had illegals working at his resorts, and that has been caught lying? Says a lot about your character, piss ant!Many Republicans have cast their lot with Trump and will follow his demise. They are fighting for their lives or at least their careers. Honesty, truth and what's best for America is of no importance. Desperation has set in. The goal is to win at all cost. From:   shop funnny shirt

All I need today is a little bit of Pink Floyd and a whole lot of Jesus shirt

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Buy it:  All I need today is a little bit of Pink Floyd and a whole lot of Jesus shirt See more: All I need today is a little bit of Pink Floyd and a whole lot of Jesus shirt Plain simple fact Democrats have not provided any evidence to support they're accusations so that should be enough said everything they do is sneaky none transparent they just want you to believe the nonsense they tell you Democrats want to do away with democracy period Like father like son. A criminal minded person talking about trust. Why didn’t you tell us Schiff cannot prove that your father committed a crime. Why don’t you say your father will show the American people that he didn’t commit a crime. Why didn’t you say the All I need today is a little bit of Pink Floyd and a whole lot of Jesus shirt is unconstitutional. Well Schiff is a duly elected officer put in place constitutionally to keep a criminal president in check. From:   shop funnny shirt