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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 3, 2020

I’m a simple woman I love Jesus Dog Coffee and Harley Davidson shirt

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 Buy it:  I’m a simple woman I love Jesus Dog Coffee and Harley Davidson shirt See more:  I’m a simple woman I love Jesus Dog Coffee and Harley Davidson shirt Question. How does getting an abortion have anything to do with corona. I personally could wait 3 weeks or so for a good whiskey but a women with an unwanted pregnancy kind of can't. Her decision has nothing to do with anyone else. Her voice may have been silenced once! But it shouldn't ever be twice.  I'm sure the supplies on hand at the  I’m a simple woman I love Jesus Dog Coffee and Harley Davidson shirt  clinics could be used better elsewhere to save lives. From:  shop trending shirt

Rolling Stone Fuck Corona Shirt

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 Buy it:   Rolling Stone Fuck Corona Shirt See more:  Rolling Stone Fuck Corona Shirt The police and soldiers all need protective gears to survive this pandemic. In fact, everyone who needs to work during this pandemic needs protective gears.How i wish this thing can flush all wicked politicians that have put this country in this bad condition. some are claiming the  Rolling Stone Fuck Corona Shirt   to be theirs while others are there as ancient of days claiming immortality; struggling to keep their soul even when the soul is already tired to live in a sack they call body. From:  shop trending shirt

Legend never die Avicii 1989 2018 signatures shirt

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Buy it:  Legend never die Avicii 1989 2018 signatures shirt See more:  Legend never die Avicii 1989 2018 signatures shirt Southern states are blessing with warm weather now. We enjoy the warm and beautiful weather. The spreading of China virus is very low, compare to swine flu or any other flu. We're enjoying go to the  Legend never die Avicii 1989 2018 signatures shirt   , exercise, and breathing fresh air. We're adjusting and adapting to new way of life by practicing social distance in market places, clean and wash hand often when in public places, avoid the potential crowded places. People seems not afraid of the China virus like last two weeks. From:  shop trending shirt

Just a girl in love with her Luke Bryan Shirt

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Buy it:  Just a girl in love with her Luke Bryan Shirt See more:  Just a girl in love with her Luke Bryan Shirt Well what I am witnessing is families are spending more time with each other and I can hear lots of talking music and children’s laughters from my neighbors, it’s a old saying ( if I am saying it correctly) good things happen after every bad storms, or something like that. The  Just a girl in love with her Luke Bryan Shirt   My grandchildren painted their storm door in rainbow colors. It looked beautiful, kept them busy and it was a symbol of hope in a time of unprecedented crisis! From:  shop trending shirt

All I need today is a little bit of Harley Davidson and a whole lot of Jesus shirts

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Buy it:  All I need today is a little bit of Harley Davidson and a whole lot of Jesus shirts See more:  All I need today is a little bit of Harley Davidson and a whole lot of Jesus shirts Terrell Davis has always been a class act and stand up guy . I read a few comments which were negative but ask yourself what have you done or donated to help ? Thank you . Then people bash the  All I need today is a little bit of Harley Davidson and a whole lot of Jesus shirts . Most of you couldn’t manage a ice cream stand with only 2 flavors chocolate and vanilla . If he isn’t your President in a few weeks if you receive a check send it back and don’t cash it . Democrats are about big government and give , give for only your vote ! From:  shop trending shirt

All I need today is a little bit of Harley Davidson and a whole lot of Jesus shirts

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Buy it:  All I need today is a little bit of Harley Davidson and a whole lot of Jesus shirts See more:  All I need today is a little bit of Harley Davidson and a whole lot of Jesus shirts Terrell Davis has always been a class act and stand up guy . I read a few comments which were negative but ask yourself what have you done or donated to help ? Thank you . Then people bash the  All I need today is a little bit of Harley Davidson and a whole lot of Jesus shirts . Most of you couldn’t manage a ice cream stand with only 2 flavors chocolate and vanilla . If he isn’t your President in a few weeks if you receive a check send it back and don’t cash it . Democrats are about big government and give , give for only your vote ! From:  shop trending shirt

Baka Rabbit Slap Mask Covid-19 shirt

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Buy it:  Baka Rabbit Slap Mask Covid-19 shirt See more:  Baka Rabbit Slap Mask Covid-19 shirt As healthcare providers across the U.S. desperately attempt to treat a rapidly growing number of patients with the coronavirus, a pharmaceutical company with ties to the Trump administration has been granted exclusive status for a drug it is developing to treat the illnes a potential windfall for the  Baka Rabbit Slap Mask Covid-19 shirt  that could put the medication out of reach for many Americans. From:  shop trending shirt

Baby Yoda Panic At The Costco Shirt

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Buy it:  Baby Yoda Panic At The Costco Shirt See more:  Baby Yoda Panic At The Costco Shirt So on this account choose to do good and learn about our creator because we do have the opportunity to be saved thanks to Jesus Christ loving sacrifice but  we can only be saved by doing the  Baby Yoda Panic At The Costco Shirt  of his heavenly father (Jehovah) and obeying his commandments, and being obedient even to death if need be( just as perfect jesus Christ did. From:  shop trending shirt

Arizona Cardinals signatures Kyler Murray Larry Fitzgerald Jr. shirt

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Buy it:  Arizona Cardinals signatures Kyler Murray Larry Fitzgerald Jr. shirt See more:  Arizona Cardinals signatures Kyler Murray Larry Fitzgerald Jr. shirt I am a Christian and I believe if we want to get past this coronavirus pandemic here in The United States of America then turning to God for repentance and His guidance and help is the first and most important step. To each their own, whatever religion someone else is is their business and I respect them and they should pray to whoever they pray to. I love that we as The  Arizona Cardinals signatures Kyler Murray Larry Fitzgerald Jr. shirt   of Jesus Christ aka The Church are coming together with online services. The Church is God's people, the building is just a building. From:  shop trending shirt

Arizona Cardinals signatures Kyler Murray Larry Fitzgerald Jr. shirt

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Buy it:  Arizona Cardinals signatures Kyler Murray Larry Fitzgerald Jr. shirt See more:  Arizona Cardinals signatures Kyler Murray Larry Fitzgerald Jr. shirt I am a Christian and I believe if we want to get past this coronavirus pandemic here in The United States of America then turning to God for repentance and His guidance and help is the first and most important step. To each their own, whatever religion someone else is is their business and I respect them and they should pray to whoever they pray to. I love that we as The  Arizona Cardinals signatures Kyler Murray Larry Fitzgerald Jr. shirt   of Jesus Christ aka The Church are coming together with online services. The Church is God's people, the building is just a building. From:  shop trending shirt

All I need today is a little bit of Iowa and a whole lot of Jesus shirt

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Buy it:  All I need today is a little bit of Iowa and a whole lot of Jesus shirt See more:  All I need today is a little bit of Iowa and a whole lot of Jesus shirt Glad to see this material societies of west have seen how fake and shallow their values are and how powerful and in control, my Allah/God is. It's great to see people are turning to God but your mainstream media isn't showing much. West for far too long considered itself a most powerful but look what's happened. It's just a glance of wrath of God/Allah and everyone's on the  All I need today is a little bit of Iowa and a whole lot of Jesus shirt . From:  shop trending shirt

All I need today is a little bit of Iowa and a whole lot of Jesus shirt

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Buy it:  All I need today is a little bit of Iowa and a whole lot of Jesus shirt See more:  All I need today is a little bit of Iowa and a whole lot of Jesus shirt Glad to see this material societies of west have seen how fake and shallow their values are and how powerful and in control, my Allah/God is. It's great to see people are turning to God but your mainstream media isn't showing much. West for far too long considered itself a most powerful but look what's happened. It's just a glance of wrath of God/Allah and everyone's on the  All I need today is a little bit of Iowa and a whole lot of Jesus shirt . From:  shop trending shirt

Official Hair stylist 2020 quarantine shirt

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Buy it:   Official Hair stylist 2020 quarantine shirt See more: Official Hair stylist 2020 quarantine shirt    Stop showing that running count of cases and deaths. It's morbid. We all know that many people are sick. What you're not showing is how many people have recovered. I am betting that as soon as new cases slow down, the story will shift to "not fast enough".The  Official Hair stylist 2020 quarantine shirt  Reserve, which determines how much extra capital, or liquidity, a bank should hold, on Tuesday released new guidance relaxing those guidelines, and may move to relax banks' leverage. From:  s hop trending shirt

Mona Lisa Quarantined shirt

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Buy it:  Mona Lisa Quarantined shirt See more:  Mona Lisa Quarantined shirt     Why do people still believe her when she claims to be for the people and Republicans are for corporate business? Have you not seen enough to know she is a liar? Pelosi says that because she has found it fools the people to vote for Democrats. Pelosi is for socialism and if the  Mona Lisa Quarantined shirt  keep believing her lies we will soon be a socialist country.All about who won, because of her it wasn't the hard working Americans or the victims of the virus, because Her Political agenda comes first!  From:  s hop trending shirt

Keep calm and wash your hand shirt

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Buy it:  Keep calm and wash your hand shirt See more:  Keep calm and wash your hand shirt    I would rather see no further bills passed then to allow her to exploit and hold the welfare of the American people hostage to her unrelated and radical ideals. Truly a childish, selfish, vindictive individual.She won the  Keep calm and wash your hand shirt  at Americans expense. Should never have gone through. This bill was for.the pandemic and the health of the American people. Not her and her democrat friends personal pork bill. From:  s hop trending shirt

Junior the one where they were quarantined 2021 shirt

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Buy it:  Junior the one where they were quarantined 2021 shirt See more:  Junior the one where they were quarantined 2021 shirt    President Trump needs to veto whatever they send up, have a speech to the American people, stating what NON COVID19 items the   Junior the one where they were quarantined 2021 shirt  were trying to screw the People with. Then tell them to do better  Perfect example of term limits. Remember they gambled with American lives with no thought for the average working citizen. Only if they looked good. We have a chance to clear the "House" in November. From:  s hop trending shirt

Joe Exotic for President Shirt

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Buy it:  Joe Exotic for President Shirt See more:  Joe Exotic for President Shirt    Pelosi and Democrats looking for every opportunity to milk the government to their own benefits and after all this is over, they will claim Trump bankrupt the government and will increase taxes to push their socialist agenda and bankrupt businesses and American people. On November election we should take the  Joe Exotic for President Shirt  back.If we keep her in office she will complete her goal to destroy us. If you must stay in the Democratic Party at least get some intelligent honest politicians who love America in the Congress, etc. We the People deserve better than that lying crook. From:  s hop trending shirt

Freshmen the one where they were quarantined 2023 shirt

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Buy it:  Freshmen the one where they were quarantined 2023 shirt See more:  Freshmen the one where they were quarantined 2023 shirt    She and chuck are both shitbags for playing politics at a time like this. They prove time after time they dont care about real American citizens. Only care about lining their own pockets with the  Freshmen the one where they were quarantined 2023 shirt  tax money. The dems are an embarrassment to this country.They only thing they really won is the the distain of the American people. That money you stole could have provided so much more help but instead you gave yourselves huge raises and gave us a pittance. Our prayers are you will never have the chance to steal from us again. From:  s hop trending shirt

Football players 2020 the one where they were quarantined shirt

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Buy it:  Football players 2020 the one where they were quarantined shirt See more:  Football players 2020 the one where they were quarantined shirt    They took out most of her stupid "pork." In a time of crises she is only thinking of herself, nothing she wanted to put in had anything to do with helping Americans get through this. Again, trying to take credit for something she didn't do. The jigs up, Nancy. We saw exactly what you were trying to do when you flew back to Washington DC. Clearly the Democrats are obstructionists. If you really “cared“ for the American people, you would not have tried to delay the vote by inserting into the stimulus bill those Dem pet-project items that did not pertain to coronavirus. It’s time for you and any who share your views to be voted out! From:  s hop trending shirt

Farmer of 2020 the one with the pandemic shirt

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Buy it:  Farmer of 2020 the one with the pandemic shirt See more:  Farmer of 2020 the one with the pandemic shirt    You voted in a President who sold you the American dream. A dream that would be attained through the  Farmer of 2020 the one with the pandemic shirt   of immigrants, cutting off trading partners and a society that would serve its own needs by it's own workers.Shame on any of the politicians that included any items that were not specific to the pandemic. Again, only thinking of their agendas and not the people. Pathetic and unacceptable. From:  s hop trending shirt

Lawyer 2020 the one where they were quarantined shirt

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Buy it:  Lawyer 2020 the one where they were quarantined shirt See more:  Lawyer 2020 the one where they were quarantined shirt    Thank you God for everything you do for me and the  Lawyer 2020 the one where they were quarantined shirt  news on my lung cancer report and bless my family and friends who are praying for me also and walk beside me in this long journey Every craft distillery nationwide seems to be doing this. It seems like every company in this nation is stepping up. Its a matter of just getting our production lines together now. I suggest she offers this to sell on line 50% give away and 50% pay for those. I would pay a premium for this as a Dallas resident. $15 per bottle would be a great price and would cover her costs. From:  s hop trending shirt

Hunter 2020 the one where we were quarantined shirt

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Buy it:  Hunter 2020 the one where we were quarantined shirt See more: Hunter 2020 the one where we were quarantined shirt    Each state outbidding each other for critical ammo so their soldiers aren't defenseless. Imagine the  Hunter 2020 the one where we were quarantined shirt  were bidding on these goods too . Imagine this was because FDR hated socialism so much he didn't want gov overreach and wanted the free market to decide who got guns . Silly. The Covid19 crisis may be worse than WWIi, yet the WH refuses to coordinate who gets supplies . States are bidding against each other and the WH for masks,ventilators .The WH refuses to release strategic reserves of supplies . In the hour of greatest need , crickets. From:  s hop trending shirt

Fireghter 2020 quarantine shirt

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Buy it:   Fireghter 2020 quarantine shirt See more: Fireghter 2020 quarantine shirt Hey Republicans! Remember like 2 months ago when you all were telling everybody that if people had health care, that was Socialism, and Socialism is Communism, and then we'd be Venezuela? Well each and everyone of you that supported that ideology, and now support Trump handing out 2 Trillion in "stimulus", can go and Fuk yourselves as many times as humanly possible for the  Fireghter 2020 quarantine shirt  of you worthless hypocritical lives. From:  s hop trending shirt

Makeup Artist 2020 the one where they were quarantined shirt

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Buy it:   Makeup Artist 2020 the one where they were quarantined shirt See more:  Makeup Artist 2020 the one where they were quarantined shirt  And yet we've handled it worse than any other country on the face of the planet. The   Makeup Artist 2020 the one where they were quarantined shirt  rots from the head, and Fox News is in the heads of everyone who believes this propagandist drivel.This Coronavirus Bill needs to state that this Legislative bill will deal with one issue ONLY, the Coronavirus Issue and nothing more! Change this and the bill can be passed without Evil Nancy Pelosi putting in over a 1,000 

Makeup Artist 2020 the one where they were quarantined shirt

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Buy it:   Makeup Artist 2020 the one where they were quarantined shirt See more:  Makeup Artist 2020 the one where they were quarantined shirt  And yet we've handled it worse than any other country on the face of the planet. The   Makeup Artist 2020 the one where they were quarantined shirt  rots from the head, and Fox News is in the heads of everyone who believes this propagandist drivel.This Coronavirus Bill needs to state that this Legislative bill will deal with one issue ONLY, the Coronavirus Issue and nothing more! Change this and the bill can be passed without Evil Nancy Pelosi putting in over a 1,000 pages of other agendas! From:  shop trending shirt

Kinder Teacher 2020 the one where they were quarantined shirt

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Buy it:  Kinder Teacher 2020 the one where they were quarantined shirt See more:  Kinder Teacher 2020 the one where they were quarantined shirt  This is really awkward for people who have said Trump basically caused the  Kinder Teacher 2020 the one where they were quarantined shirt  of this virus. You don’t have to be a Trump fan at all (which I am not) to see that blaming him for everything is a bit much.we are right behind Italy in deaths reported” is not clear, here? What part of “we are third in the world in cases and deaths reported”. I’m sure that it all changed in the last 24 hrs. Don’t confuse people with this empty reporting. New York hospitals are days of running out of medical supplies for professionals. This wave is just beginning to hit its peak.  From:  shop trending shirt

Dancer 2020 the one where they were quarantined shirt

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Buy it:  Dancer 2020 the one where they were quarantined shirt See more:  Dancer 2020 the one where they were quarantined shirt  If by prepared equals to almost having the most number of cases in the world, then yeah the  Dancer 2020 the one where they were quarantined shirt  was “prepared”. Need not mention, we are still scrabbling to get enough medical supplies and test kits to this date. And Trump is already considering lifting the bans.Dear lord people give them a minute! Do you keep up with any of it. Have you seen gm has changed their building to help, 3m in putting out huge numbers in mask. Many other companies that are stepping up and making it happen right along with our president and his staff who are working day and night to come up with what's best for our health and economy. This is why Americans are so great.  From:  shop trending shirt

Corgi I like to stay in bed it’s too peopley outside shirt

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Buy it:  Corgi I like to stay in bed it’s too peopley outside shirt See more:  Corgi I like to stay in bed it’s too peopley outside shirt   I agree with this! We are definitely more prepared. Look at the numbers! Yes there is a shortage. But they aren’t out. The well isn’t dry. this is no regular situation. But everyone will have the supply they need in no time! It wasn't the best-prepared that was the problem. It was the  Corgi I like to stay in bed it’s too peopley outside shirt  from the Executive Branch of the Federal Government that was the problem. The best prepared team will still lose if that team doesn't effectively execute the game plan. From:  shop trending shirt

Volleyball mom 2020 the one where they were quarantined shirt

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Buy it:  Volleyball mom 2020 the one where they were quarantined shirt See more:  Volleyball mom 2020 the one where they were quarantined shirt   Preparedness is a measure of resources, tools in the box. Implementation of those tools is known as response. Our response was too little and too slow. Our ongoing response is not keeping up with the  Volleyball mom 2020 the one where they were quarantined shirt  or spread.Let the Leadership evolve. If clogged and not giving any room for breather, those career politicians, who spent 30-40 yrs, must be hustling, must regroup and support present governance. Support and round up. But no, every one have to prove the point. Let the President work and see. If a person drinks fish tank water, how he is to be blamed? From:  shop trending shirt

Virus Corona Don’t cough on me shirt

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Buy it:  Virus Corona Don’t cough on me shirt See more:  Virus Corona Don’t cough on me shirt  Tyrone i couldnt agree with you more.trust me neither side gave up without giving up something or getting something in return. Im pretty sure thier are some things that are jaw dropping.I’m getting tired of MY taxes paying for these greedy corporate heads to keep their badly run companies open. They make sure that they get huge raises and benefit packages.Democrats held the  Virus Corona Don’t cough on me shirt  people hostage till they got their crap pushed threw with this bill!! That tell you anything? From:  shop trending shirt

Soccer 2020 the one where covid-19 ruined shirt

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Buy it:   Soccer 2020 the one where covid-19 ruined shirt See more: Soccer 2020 the one where covid-19 ruined shirt  The amounts of the  Soccer 2020 the one where covid-19 ruined shirt -time payments, which officials hope could go out to Americans as soon as early April, will be based on income reported in 2018 taxes, declining gradually beginning with individuals who made $75,000 or married couples filed jointly who made $150,000. Individuals making $99,000 or above or married couples making $198,000 or more would receive no check. People would also receive an additional $500 per child. From:  shop trending shirt

Nurse 2020 the one with the pandemic shirt

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Buy it:  Nurse 2020 the one with the pandemic shirt See more:  Nurse 2020 the one with the pandemic shirt  Question for the  Nurse 2020 the one with the pandemic shirt /republican supporters.. are you going to return the socialist bailout money? Cause you know , it's socialism and socialism is communism according to said supporters.It sounds good cause we're getting a free check, but in all actuality they made money we dont have to bail these big companies out that are failing( but they would have never fail cause some other big baller would have bought them out, so there just saving there friends from the embarrassment), and guess who's paying that money back, we are. And what share are we getting from it, zero. From:  shop trending shirt