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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 6, 2019

Original Marvel’s Spider-man Game Abstract City Swing Graphic shirt

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Buy it:  Original Marvel’s Spider-man Game Abstract City Swing Graphic shirt See more:  Original Marvel’s Spider-man Game Abstract City Swing Graphic shirt Wow, I just can’t get over the Original Marvel’s Spider-man Game Abstract City Swing Graphic shirt  some have Trump, sure, he’s not the greatest but he can’t be any worse than Hillary, at least you never hear about people who upset him committing “suicide” like some of HC’s former acquaintances appear to do on a regular basis Legalising a brutal dictator who starves his people murders and executes his brother? What a world we live in. No more decency and integrity. From:  shop trending shirt

Cardinals Blues shirt

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Buy it:  Cardinals Blues shirt See more:  Cardinals Blues shirt One only has to observe their faces....i guess they just can't hide it! tramp the smug, arrogant and self absorbed, totally oblivious to reality vs Kim...i mean...the Cardinals Blues shirt  on his face is like...if you were under my command you'd be dead already! and...you can be as smug as you want...i am in control here...that face was almost blunt hate, disdain and defiance. From:  shop trending shirt

Matt Foley Motivational Speaker shirt

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Buy it:  Matt Foley Motivational Speaker shirt See more:  Matt Foley Motivational Speaker shirt  Imagine the praise a democrat would get for this, they would be hailed lile a God and called an anti war hero. The top comment on this post is about their hair, good God liberalism is terrible.For all pro-Kim Jong Un Trumpettes here, try thinking about the Matt Foley Motivational Speaker shirt  of innocent North Korean political dissidents who are permanently locked up in prisons or the thousands murdered by this psychopathic antichrist. From:  shop trending shirt

Personalized Queen First Name And Last Name Of Wolf House Shirt

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Buy it: Personalized Queen First Name And Last Name Of Wolf House Shirt See more:  Personalized Queen First Name And Last Name Of Wolf House Shirt Sometimes you have to embrace your enemy if you want to make any progress on bringing them into the global fold, no matter how much the rest of the Personalized Queen First Name And Last Name Of Wolf House Shirt  hates them, said Mr Kim When long time enemies become friends suddenly, one is planning to finish the other. Trump is not a fool he knows what he is doing. Long live Donald Trump, long live United States. From:  shop trending shirt

Freddie Mercury I want to brick free shirt

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Buy it:  Freddie Mercury I want to brick free shirt See more:  Freddie Mercury I want to brick free shirt orth Korea does not want peace Kim wants his face on television so he can seem popular and his country be legitimate. He will still go home and starve his people to death as he stuffs his fat little face with turkey and he will never get rid of his nuclear bombs.So stop acting like this is a peace negotiation because fascist, authoritarian, dictators do not want peace the  Freddie Mercury I want to brick free shirt  want Power. From:  shop trending shirt

30th anniversary Jack Nicholson Michael Keaton and Kim Basinger 1989 – 2019 shirt

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Buy it:  30th anniversary Jack Nicholson Michael Keaton and Kim Basinger 1989 – 2019 shirt See more:  30th anniversary Jack Nicholson Michael Keaton and Kim Basinger 1989 – 2019 shirt If he loved his own people as much as he does foreign despot dictators the 30th anniversary Jack Nicholson Michael Keaton and Kim Basinger 1989 – 2019 shirt   would be a much better place. This behaviour sends chill up my spine because he admires sociopathic killers more then he does the Democratic Rule of Law.Well done Trump totally instigated by you ..the world will be a safer place because of this but all the trump haters on here make me sick!! If Trump said oxygen was good for you they would stop breathing. From:  shop trending shirt

Gone with the wind 80th anniversary 1939-2019 signatures shirt

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Buy it:  Gone with the wind 80th anniversary 1939-2019 signatures shirt See more:  Gone with the wind 80th anniversary 1939-2019 signatures shirt  So you haters of President Trump would rather have nukes pointing in our directions? Have you not heard "baby steps are better than no steps at all!"Didn't the Gone with the wind 80th anniversary 1939-2019 signatures shirt  Korea guy kill off a bunch of his staff last time he met Don? He's shaking hands with that guy? Too bad Jamal Kashogi is not around to cover this historic moment. And yes I know I mangled the spelling of his name. From:  shop trending shirt

Keanu Reeves You’re Breathtaking shirt

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Buy it:  Keanu Reeves You’re Breathtaking shirt See more:  Keanu Reeves You’re Breathtaking shirt  President Trump always thinks out of the square and will do anything for peace. All previous American Presidents when it came to North Korea failed. Here is a president making more effort and accomplishing more doing it than any other since Ronald Reagan and it doesn't matter what he does, the anti American liberals don't get it! The Keanu Reeves You’re Breathtaking shirt  would rather see anyone or anything else win than America and this President. From:  shop trending shirt

Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate Elizabeth Winslet 22 Years of Titanic 1997 – 2019 shirt

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Buy it :Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate Elizabeth Winslet 22 Years of Titanic 1997 – 2019 shirt See more:  Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate Elizabeth Winslet 22 Years of Titanic 1997 – 2019 shirt Terrifying. Look how sick Trump is. From Putin and the Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate Elizabeth Winslet 22 Years of Titanic 1997 – 2019 shirt  butcher to the guy that executes his rivals with a 40 cal. anti aircraft gun.God help us, this is going to get worse before it gets better.And here we are in North & South Korea for the 2019, international silly hairdo competition, and hot favourites for the gold medals are clearly the USA and North Korea. If Boris Johnson wins the election for Conservative party leader & Prime Minister, Britain has a good chance of getting at least a bronze, if not, a silver. From:  shop trending shirt

Mini Keanu Reeves Meme Long shirt

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Buy it:  Mini Keanu Reeves Meme Long shirt See more:  Mini Keanu Reeves Meme Long shirt  Whenever any good comes along, evil people will fight it. This handshake literally ends a 70 year old war, it will reunify families, it may save thousands of lives How incredibly sad some of you are, you allow your hatred of one man to blind you to the Mini Keanu Reeves Meme Long shirt  of world politics. When he threatens North Korea he is wrong, when he ignores North Korea his is wrong, when he meets with North Korea he is wrong. Just grow up. From:  shop trending shirt  

Mysterio Look Out For The Mysterious Mist shirt

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Buy it:  Mysterio Look Out For The Mysterious Mist shirt See more:  Mysterio Look Out For The Mysterious Mist shirt What do you suppose all these Leftest would be saying if that was Obama instead of Trump, we all know don't we, yep we all know.Glad lines of communication are being opened, but until their is a commitment to end the Mysterio Look Out For The Mysterious Mist shirt  crisis and denuclearizd North Korea this is just theater. Hoping Trump and/or his can leverage this into concrete actions.North Korea wins again! America loses again! Well done, Trump! This is the third time he has given NK everything they want in return for nothing. For the third time, Trump glorifies KJU while making a fool of himself. From:  shop trending shirt

Original 4th Of July Space Cat American Flag shirt

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Buy it:  Original 4th Of July Space Cat American Flag shirt See more:  Original 4th Of July Space Cat American Flag shirt  Could you connect the dots for us on that statement. FDR had a cordial relationship with Stalin, arguably the Original 4th Of July Space Cat American Flag shirt  Dictator and greatest mass murderer in history. This long term relationship included personal meetings and numerous letters of correspondence. I think the biggest problem with the Left is complete historical ignorance, among other things. From:  shop trending shirt

Don’t Let The Gray Hair Fool You We Can Still Kick Ass United States Navy Shirt

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Buy it:  Don’t Let The Gray Hair Fool You We Can Still Kick Ass United States Navy Shirt See more:  Don’t Let The Gray Hair Fool You We Can Still Kick Ass United States Navy Shirt  Secondly, you didn't provide any resources as to why she such a sad person leaving it up to others to wonder what you mean by that. Maybe it's code. I'm sure if it is the ones who feel like you know. So just provide information as to why. I'm interested in your response if you care to give one  I guess you didn't understand that Mueller found no collusion with Russia by the Trump Admin. However, the spying happened under Obama, Hilliary paid for the Don’t Let The Gray Hair Fool You We Can Still Kick Ass United States Navy Shirt  dossier, etc. Furthermore, the Obama Admin is responsible for making up the Russian Collusion Hoax. From:  shop trending shirt

Stranger Things Night Boston Red Sox Shirt

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Buy it:  Stranger Things Night Boston Red Sox Shirt See more:  Stranger Things Night Boston Red Sox Shirt  She even gave some of our uranium to the Stranger Things Night Boston Red Sox Shirt  country she says is so violent and helped trump win lol bunch of liars the democrats are She’s a social climber at best and let a cop murderer go. Ask Willy Brown and the third person, a leggy blond, in that threesome. You must be a child not to know that. Hep up a honey single one of those Democrat candidates for president as well the Democrats in Congress are morons. They’re doing a huge disservice to our country. Some republicans could be thrown in there as well. Thankfully it’s only a handful or so. Regardless of all these dumbasses need to go. From:  shop trending shirt

40 year of unknown pleasures 1979-2019 Joy Division thank you shirt

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Buy it:  40 year of unknown pleasures 1979-2019 Joy Division thank you shirt See more:  40 year of unknown pleasures 1979-2019 Joy Division thank you shirt  I knew her elevator doesn’t go all the 40 year of unknown pleasures 1979-2019 Joy Division thank you shirt  to the top !! What a clown she is !! Disgusting !! That’s all the democrats want to talk about is President Trump !! He must be doing something right getting all this attention !! They don’t talk about what they are going to do if they should win !! Why? Because that doesn’t know what to do, but bad mouth President Trump. From:  shop trending shirt

Harley Davidson Military Honor Our Veterans Shirt

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Buy it:  Harley Davidson Military Honor Our Veterans Shirt See more:  Harley Davidson Military Honor Our Veterans Shirt You would have to wait six months to a year to see if you’re approved for medical treatment if you’re not dead by then. And if you’re older aoc Already has said she doesn’t want to waste money on older people so you’ll be out of luck. Harris Also wants the new green deal. No cars airplanes or cows. Companies will not pay the Harley Davidson Military Honor Our Veterans Shirt  tax And will move out of the country we will have no jobs. And they want a wealth Tax do you can’t save any money they will take it. It is not sustainable. We will be like Venezuela in five years. Harris is just another one of the looney left. From:  shop trending shirt

Harris Kamala Is A Cop shirt

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Buy it:  Harris Kamala Is A Cop shirt See more:  Harris Kamala Is A Cop shirt  I hope he does not win if he wins and becomes the next President he will be 79 when he takes office, time to step down he does not have the Harris Kamala Is A Cop shirt  or the smarts for that job he will be calling Obama and asking him for answers And take away healthcare for welfare for all that you will pay 70 to 90 percent of your paycheck in taxes. You would pay healthcare for all 22 million illegals. Plus all the others that would come with open borders. From:  shop trending shirt

JD McCrary Is Simba The Lion King Shirts

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Buy it:  JD McCrary Is Simba The Lion King Shirts See more:  JD McCrary Is Simba The Lion King Shirts  You forgot the highest deficit and selling guns to drug lords and lying about it. I don't see a war with Iran. What I do see is unemployment down while under Obama was up. I see more money on my paycheck. Illegals flood the street and President Trump is trying to curtail that, while obummer invited them in. If you think the cops ate the JD McCrary Is Simba The Lion King Shirts  with society maybe take a better look at what society has become a witch is a direct result of the victim mentality. Thanks obummer for that as well. Wait for men in women's bathrooms all cause his husband is a tranny. Let's not forget NAFTA giving billions to a terrorist county so the could go to war with us. Wait that's not all. Oh never mind you will never get it. Go to bed you up past bedtime. From:  shop trending shirt

The Lion King 25th Anniversary Thank You For The Memories Shirt

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Buy it:  The Lion King 25th Anniversary Thank You For The Memories Shirt See more:  The Lion King 25th Anniversary Thank You For The Memories Shirt He has basically kept nearly every promise he made...save one...that Mexico would pay for the wall. And while they haven’t done that per se...America has kept jobs instead of sending companies to Mexico AND if they don’t keep their word and stem the The Lion King 25th Anniversary Thank You For The Memories Shirt  of illegals, they will pay for the wall in tariffs. I have watched the Dems closely over the last 2 years and I have never seen such depravity! There is no depth they won’t sink to. There is nothing they won’t do to Delay, Deceive and Resist just to quench their lust for power. From:  shop trending shirt

Top Stranger Things The World Is Turning Upside Down shirt

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Buy it:  Top Stranger Things The World Is Turning Upside Down shirt See more:  Top Stranger Things The World Is Turning Upside Down shirt My huge concern on watching these debates was the Top Stranger Things The World Is Turning Upside Down shirt  to answer questions straight forward. I feel like only 20% of them directly answered a question. There were many ideas and theories thrown out there, but only a few actually went into detail. If you’re going to sway the Republican vote preaching socialism, destroying health plans, taking guns isn’t going to do it. From:  shop trending shirt

Veteran You Will Never See Refugees From America When Things Turn To Shit Shirt

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Buy it:  Veteran You Will Never See Refugees From America When Things Turn To Shit Shirt See more:  Veteran You Will Never See Refugees From America When Things Turn To Shit Shirt  For hatred against cops follow the Veteran You Will Never See Refugees From America When Things Turn To Shit Shirt  and see how many unarmed people have been killed. That’s what makes people hate them and turn against them. And if you think one man can turn people against cops then you wrong, it’s no proof to that. And what Hillary did is bad but what’s the difference from starting a war with Iran. What you think we just going blow them away with no fatalities, aren’t some troops going to pass away(knock on wood) just curious. From:  shop trending shirt

You Can’t Buy Happiness But You Can Buy A Ticket And Fly To Ireland Shirt

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Buy it:  You Can’t Buy Happiness But You Can Buy A Ticket And Fly To Ireland Shirt See more:  You Can’t Buy Happiness But You Can Buy A Ticket And Fly To Ireland Shirt  well let's see, worst economy highest deficit. Disregarded our constitution turned the people against cops. Set civil rights back 100 years lied about fast and furious, responsible for multiple deaths in that scandal by the You Can’t Buy Happiness But You Can Buy A Ticket And Fly To Ireland Shirt . Jeez, how much do you need? Let's not forget Killary and making her secretary and allowing her to help. kill soldiers, and then lie about it and then cover it up. From:  shop trending shirt

Dobre Friendships Brothers Shirt

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Buy it:  Dobre Friendships Brothers Shirt See more:  Dobre Friendships Brothers Shirt  Hunger in this country is not the Dobre Friendships Brothers Shirt  of scarcity, we are a nation with tremendous wealth. It is the result of a political system that says it is okay to spend money on tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires and the same companies that tanked our economy while we let children go hungry in our schools. Across the country students whose families are struggling to afford school meals are being singled out and humiliated at lunchtime. This morning, I introduced legislation to eliminate the practice of punishing children whose families are unable to pay for school meals. From:  shop trending shirt

Snoopy Playing Drums Shirt

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Buy it:  Snoopy Playing Drums Shirt See more:  Snoopy Playing Drums Shirt Isn’t this the Snoopy Playing Drums Shirt  dork that says he fears so much that someone will shoot up his kids school the he memorizes the clothes his kids where to school so he can identify them at the morgue but says his kids are 2 and an infant Illegal immigrants and Refugees regardless of their Race have no Rights to be in America regardless of their Race. Illegal immigrants and Refugees are involved in Criminal Activity and Drug Trafficking and Human Smuggling as well, Wake Up, American’s!. From:  shop trending shirt

I Never Received My Letter To Hogwarts So I’m Going To The Upside Down With Eleven Shirt

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Buy it:  I Never Received My Letter To Hogwarts So I’m Going To The Upside Down With Eleven Shirt See more:  I Never Received My Letter To Hogwarts So I’m Going To The Upside Down With Eleven Shirt Both are untrustworthy, full of spin, no leadership qualities, a history of failure and mistakes its a choice of none, so I suspect this will drag on for a long long time. I don't think the I Never Received My Letter To Hogwarts So I’m Going To The Upside Down With Eleven Shirt  'best' comes into it. Johnson is going to discover pretty quickly that he will have exactly the same problems Mrs May did. The EU has told us a million times that they will not renegotiate the deal and there are a dozen or more Tory MPs who will vote to bring down their own government than allow UK to leave without a deal. From:  shop trending shirt

Auntie Shark tattoos tattoos tattoos shirt

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Buy it:  Auntie Shark tattoos tattoos tattoos shirt See more:  Auntie Shark tattoos tattoos tattoos shirt  The point I was making is if you go to a hospital in the EU say Germany they cross charge the expense to the NHS we do not do the Auntie Shark tattoos tattoos tattoos shirt . if we did this we would have the money to grow the infrastructure. if someone is living and working here and contributing, of course, they should use all the facilities. From:  shop trending shirt

Eagle Flag Lgbt shirt

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Buy it:  Eagle Flag Lgbt shirt See more:  Eagle Flag Lgbt shirt  Im am all in favor of EU Migrants who live and work here, there is no one saying the EU Migrants are not more than welcome along with legal migrants from around the world If you want the infrastructure you either need to grow the Eagle Flag Lgbt shirt  or limit the migration. I would opt for growing in infrastructure myself. From:  shop trending shirt

Kawhi Leonard Board Man Gets Paid shirt

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Buy it:  Kawhi Leonard Board Man Gets Paid shirt See more:  Kawhi Leonard Board Man Gets Paid shirt look at the computer system that cost an arm and a leg and it still does not work, all the money went on this, I am talking about money on patient care the real NHS not the companies the bled money off on installing a computer system that still does not work.No the NHS is in a state due to NHS England not the government. When has the Kawhi Leonard Board Man Gets Paid shirt  been thriving in any government? More politics going on in the NHS than in government! From:  shop trending shirt

Kyle Busch M’m Flag America 18 Hazelnut Spread Shirt

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Buy it:  Kyle Busch M’m Flag America 18 Hazelnut Spread Shirt See more:  Kyle Busch M’m Flag America 18 Hazelnut Spread Shirt Surely, the 27 other EU countries wish to export to the UK, it must be in their interest that there is a deal that gives them the Kyle Busch M’m Flag America 18 Hazelnut Spread Shirt  to sell and ship to the UK, a win-win agreement must be able to be made, its Tusk and Junker that is the problem, get rid of them and the EU may change to the better. From:  shop trending shirt

LOVE Baseball Softball Flip Flops USA Flag 4th Of July Shirt

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Buy it:  LOVE Baseball Softball Flip Flops USA Flag 4th Of July Shirt See more:  LOVE Baseball Softball Flip Flops USA Flag 4th Of July Shirt Hunt I think is capable of delivering Brexit, of avoiding a vote of no confidence in the LOVE Baseball Softball Flip Flops USA Flag 4th Of July Shirt  and thereby avoiding a general election in which a Labour-LibDem alliance would sweep to victory. Boris, on the other hand, is more likely to fail against each of these - so let's hope he becomes PM! From:  shop trending shirt

Marvel Spider-man Far From Home Contrasted Isolation shirt

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Buy it:  Marvel Spider-man Far From Home Contrasted Isolation shirt See more:  Marvel Spider-man Far From Home Contrasted Isolation shirt  The remains have raised imaginary concerns ones we aren’t able to see for ourselves because they won’t let us leave to find out and they obviously out of touch with how we were before he Eu and it’s not Farage a job to get us out of the EU he doesn’t run the Marvel Spider-man Far From Home Contrasted Isolation shirt  he did his job by campaigning and successfully getting us through the referendum it was then time for our government to show their superior competence and get the country out the way it wanted to. From:  shop trending shirt

Piper Lou This Chick Wants The B Shirt

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Buy it:  Piper Lou This Chick Wants The B Shirt See more:  Piper Lou This Chick Wants The B Shirt   Why is it that those in Hollywood always think that they know what God or Jesus would support or not support. All Christians can only go by what the Piper Lou This Chick Wants The B Shirt says until Christ comes again. I do not know why lots of people think that when Jesus walked the earth that he changed any of the laws of God because he did NOT. Jesus's sole purpose on earth was to die on the Cross in the forgiveness of our sins. From:  shop trending shirt

Snoopy And Tenten In A World Where You Can Be Anything Be Kind Shirt

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Buy it:  Snoopy And Tenten In A World Where You Can Be Anything Be Kind Shirt See more:  Snoopy And Tenten In A World Where You Can Be Anything Be Kind Shirt Among all gifts, free will is a trap and the Snoopy And Tenten In A World Where You Can Be Anything Be Kind Shirt  wise way to real freedom is to surrender it back to the Giver for the perfect spiritual recalibration! Who saw this coming? I wish I had enough time and space!  I love when celebrities interpret Jesus and speak in Jesus name! Thank God Madonna spoke up. Jesus doesn’t even have to come the second time! Again, someone who wants to change the Word of God to fit their own selfish beliefs. Sorry, it doesn't work like that, even if you are Madonna or any other celebrity. From:  shop trending shirt

Spider man Far From Home Black Stealth Suit Tech Poster Shirt

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Buy it:  Spider man Far From Home Black Stealth Suit Tech Poster Shirt See more:  Spider man Far From Home Black Stealth Suit Tech Poster Shirt Madonna Madonna the pope is a man ... Abortion is not about a woman right. it about fixing a woman's mistake. Nowhere in the Spider man Far From Home Black Stealth Suit Tech Poster Shirt  Commandments or Jesus talking did he say it's ok to kill. Oh, and by the way, the pope is going to have a hard time getting to Jesus because of the repeated priest her has allowed to go free from doing bad things  A woman does have the right to choose when it comes to her body. But a child with a beating heart is not her body, but that of the child. . From:  shop trending shirt

Straight Outta Money I Have Baseball Twins Shirt

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Buy it:  Straight Outta Money I Have Baseball Twins Shirt See more:  Straight Outta Money I Have Baseball Twins Shirt I absolutely love her music and her artistic talent, however when she opens her mouth to do something other than sing I completely disagree with. She’s just gotten worse over the last 15 years. It’s a shame these comments overshadow her music and the Straight Outta Money I Have Baseball Twins Shirt  she does in Malawi. I can't believe she said that. May Jesus told her that he thought about it before she was born. From:  shop trending shirt

Womens Red White & Blessed Shirt 4th of July Cute Patriotic America shirt

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Buy it:  Womens Red White & Blessed Shirt 4th of July Cute Patriotic America shirt See more:  Womens Red White & Blessed Shirt 4th of July Cute Patriotic America shirt  Sounds like she needs to break up in a Bible and read it is God does not support abortion I would like her to say these verses She Thinks supports our view but I bet she wants because they are not there Not sure the Womens Red White & Blessed Shirt 4th of July Cute Patriotic America shirt  has the final say. I believe God has the final say and since He creates all things and knew each of us before we were born I am thinking we are messing with Gods law by aborting His beloved creation. From:  shop trending shirt

Chicken Hei Hei Y’all Realize I’m Gonna Snap One Day Right Shirt

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Buy it:  Chicken Hei Hei Y’all Realize I’m Gonna Snap One Day Right Shirt See more:  Chicken Hei Hei Y’all Realize I’m Gonna Snap One Day Right Shirt Based off Madonna’s experiences and cultural stance? For a person to make an honest assessment, one must read the Chicken Hei Hei Y’all Realize I’m Gonna Snap One Day Right Shirt  to determine God’s character. However, our flesh will always rise up in rebellion against God. I am not a Catholic, nor do I support the Catholic theology, but Madonna is wrong. The world of full of these Cafeteria Catholics! Pick and choose and if you don't agree on attempt to make the church bend to your desires. Doesn't work that way ..PERIOD. New and modern doesn't make it right. So sad. From:  shop trending shirt

The Facts Speak For Themselves shirt

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Buy it:  The Facts Speak For Themselves shirt See more:  The Facts Speak For Themselves shirt Lehew, not a word you commented is true about the Catholic church. Research and remember, thou shalt not bear false witness. The The Facts Speak For Themselves shirt  church has not changed one word of the Bible. Martin Luther did that by adding his own words and removing books as well as parts of Daniel from the Bible. You use that edited version no doubt. Catholics are always exploiting children. Whether they are born yet or not apparently. She looks pure evil in older years. Must be the demon showing through. From:  shop trending shirt

4th Of July Liberty Statue Idea American Flag Shirt

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Buy it:  4th Of July Liberty Statue Idea American Flag Shirt See more:  4th Of July Liberty Statue Idea American Flag Shirt I'm eating spam on a street corner. You walk by, and I offer you a bite of my spam, it's your choice. However, I must tell you, if you choose not to eat my spam I'm going to pour this gasoline on you, and light you on fire! As you look down you see a can of gas and a lighter in my hand. At that point I respond, "so would you like a bite of my spam, it's completely your choice."One of these scenarios was an example of free will. The 4th Of July Liberty Statue Idea American Flag Shirt  was an example of coercion. Can you identify the two? From:  shop trending shirt

Awareness Snoopy And Woodstock My Scars Tell A Story They Are Reminders Of When Life To Break Me But Failed Shirt

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Buy it:  Awareness Snoopy And Woodstock My Scars Tell A Story They Are Reminders Of When Life To Break Me But Failed Shirt See more:  Awareness Snoopy And Woodstock My Scars Tell A Story They Are Reminders Of When Life To Break Me But Failed Shirt  Can't call it to murder if He's the Awareness Snoopy And Woodstock My Scars Tell A Story They Are Reminders Of When Life To Break Me But Failed Shirt  created mankind. The first murder was Cain killing Abel. God ultimately decides our fate. Fortunately, he took the punishment for your sins, my sins, and everyone else. You then get to choose between serving Him or yourself.dates are not all that you are bad with. You should really keep your mouth closed because you are hopelessly clueless and ignorant. That statement has to be the absolute dumbest statement one person is capable of. Educate yourself instead of embarrassing yourself. From:  shop trending shirt

Blood Inside Me Firefighter American Flag Shirt

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Buy it:  Blood Inside Me Firefighter American Flag Shirt See more:  Blood Inside Me Firefighter American Flag Shirt Opie Chaney, I totally agree. At the Blood Inside Me Firefighter American Flag Shirt  time, it will be immediate rescue and paradise for those of us that have put our faith in Christ, so I'm not afraid...for myself or my loved ones anyway. I do pray others will welcome His light though. Laureen Cunningham Posting a scripture is not hiding behind religion. It's stating the truth. Posting a scripture doesn't mean He's not doing anything to help. Some of you people just have terrible attitudes and are trolling for things to comment about. From:  shop trending shirt

George W Busch Sunset shirt

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Buy it:  George W Busch Sunset shirt See more:  George W Busch Sunset shirt There are six things that the George W Busch Sunset shirt  hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers. Hugh Jardon if you would actually read the Bible you would learn that he did this because the king of Egypt was enslaving and killing Jews he was warned but failed to listen so god caused plaques as a punishment to the king on of which was killing every first born child but if you listened and put lambs blood above your door that night then the angle of death passed over your house and didn’t harm your first born. From:  shop trending shirt

If You Can’t Fix It Macgyver It Shirt

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Buy it:  If You Can’t Fix It Macgyver It Shirt See more:  If You Can’t Fix It Macgyver It Shirt She may have been raised Catholic but I think she left the Church a long time ago, not sure of this Pope any more either. You cannot change the If You Can’t Fix It Macgyver It Shirt  of Jesus to fit your life. For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them. From:  shop trending shirt

Atlanta Falcons Deadpool Fuck You Love You Shirt

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Buy it:  Atlanta Falcons Deadpool Fuck You Love You Shirt See more:  Atlanta Falcons Deadpool Fuck You Love You Shirt Nikki Myles who exactly are you referring to when you say “you people” do you mean tax paying Americans who feel that our citizens, our poor our veterans, the Atlanta Falcons Deadpool Fuck You Love You Shirt  mentioned in the article should be taken care of first before we give billions to non citizens then you are right and I am proud of it. Jamal no that is you racist Dems who are against them. typical of racists like you democrats.you all suck up for that b'itch Omar who clearly said some people did something.what she should have said it was due to Muslims attacking the use. From:  shop trending shirt

Baltimore Ravens Deadpool Fuck You Love You Shirt

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Buy it:  Buffalo Bills Deadpool Fuck You Love You Shirt See more:  Buffalo Bills Deadpool Fuck You Love You Shirt Steven Woods, You are so right. The US always has to help everyone else first. It's a shame that this fight had to take all the way to Congress just for the Buffalo Bills Deadpool Fuck You Love You Shirt  responders to receive benefits! Steven Woods trillions go to war. That's where this government money goes to. It's not illegals. War war war. Reality check missy They want the votes and they want power!!! They don't care about the American people period. People better open their eyes and start making a stand. From:  shop trending shirt

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Buy it:  Butterfly American Flag Shirt See more:  Butterfly American Flag Shirt He made his case crystal clear at his announcement. The Democrats are criminals and working against America interests. And now he and the Butterfly American Flag Shirt  people are going to put a stop to them. Administrative collusion and political targeting are among the biggest threats that any American is faced with. This includes extra-judicial targeting and administrative fraud not unlike the IRS targeting. The left has moved to normalize this type of abuse against their political rivals. From:  shop trending shirt