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Steven Woods, You are so right. The US always has to help everyone else first. It's a shame that this fight had to take all the way to Congress just for the Buffalo Bills Deadpool Fuck You Love You Shirt responders to receive benefits! Steven Woods trillions go to war. That's where this government money goes to. It's not illegals. War war war. Reality check missy They want the votes and they want power!!! They don't care about the American people period. People better open their eyes and start making a stand.
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See more: Buffalo Bills Deadpool Fuck You Love You Shirt

Steven Woods, You are so right. The US always has to help everyone else first. It's a shame that this fight had to take all the way to Congress just for the Buffalo Bills Deadpool Fuck You Love You Shirt responders to receive benefits! Steven Woods trillions go to war. That's where this government money goes to. It's not illegals. War war war. Reality check missy They want the votes and they want power!!! They don't care about the American people period. People better open their eyes and start making a stand.
From: shop trending shirt
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