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Obama spent 10 trillion dollars, had the OFFICiAL Baby Yoda Hug Lineman Wife Shirt interest rates in history from the fed,and quantitative easing (printing monopoly money) and still didn't have nearly as good an economy as Bush did,year over year for 8 years.Trump has the best numbers in 50 years with higher interest rates and no monopoly money. The federal reserve rigs the game and elections.Obama was running corporation’s out of the country as fast as they would go, Obama himself said, those jobs are not coming back, the economy crashed because of Democrats Barney Frank & Charley Rangels Sub Prime Rate debacle, when all of those people who bought houses were in foreclosure, the economy som.
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See more: OFFICiAL Baby Yoda Hug Lineman Wife Shirt

Obama spent 10 trillion dollars, had the OFFICiAL Baby Yoda Hug Lineman Wife Shirt interest rates in history from the fed,and quantitative easing (printing monopoly money) and still didn't have nearly as good an economy as Bush did,year over year for 8 years.Trump has the best numbers in 50 years with higher interest rates and no monopoly money. The federal reserve rigs the game and elections.Obama was running corporation’s out of the country as fast as they would go, Obama himself said, those jobs are not coming back, the economy crashed because of Democrats Barney Frank & Charley Rangels Sub Prime Rate debacle, when all of those people who bought houses were in foreclosure, the economy som.
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