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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 2, 2020

Betty’20 White Stay Golden America Shirt

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Buy it:  Betty’20 White Stay Golden America Shirt See more:  Betty’20 White Stay Golden America Shirt At some point the  Betty’20 White Stay Golden America Shirt  has to see that people dying for nothing doesn't work. Yes, give it a chance, but Trump needs to make clear at 18 months we're out and you guys fight it out yourselves. I have my doubts but maybe this will hold.I fear it will be like the peace deal ending the Vietnam war. The Taliban could be taking a long range view; sign a peace treaty with the US and honor it until after the Nov election then tear it up. From:  shop trending shirt

Bernie Sanders Master of Reality Shirt

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Buy it:  Bernie Sanders Master of Reality Shirt See more:  Bernie Sanders Master of Reality Shirt Did anyone ever think that maybe just maybe the  Bernie Sanders Master of Reality Shirt  are tired of dieing for a lost cause and it's better to live for something real instead of dieing for an ideality 19 years so much blood and treasure lost, hell yeah give it a chance, since Trump all we heard was lip service now go away Trump is Trying to get peace. America is not occupers we are Liberators not freedom. It's just that simple. From:  shop trending shirt

Houston Roughnecks MVPJ Shirt

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Buy it:   Houston Roughnecks MVPJ Shirt See more:  Houston Roughnecks MVPJ Shirt Even though traitor trump tried to start a lie and hoax about you, he didn't win and will be forever impeached for it! Thank you Joe for overcoming the   Houston Roughnecks MVPJ Shirt  corrupt, traitorous politician in our history let alone president! God Bless You Joe! Do you really think if this corona virus was such a huge scary thing, these crazy democrats would be out traveling the country, shaking hands with thousands and all those germs in the air, risking their lives to save America from Trump? Meh, I didn’t think so! Think people. From:  shop trending shirt

Sarkodie Fan Painting Oofeetso Shirt

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Buy it:  Sarkodie Fan Painting Oofeetso Shirt See more:  Sarkodie Fan Painting Oofeetso Shirt A democracy if you will. When you stop favoring business, you stop being the most advanced and richest country on earth. You no longer have your source of innovation or potential to be an advanced and wealthy country. Socialism will destroy this country. You are basically hiking taxes and scaring away our nations source of income, technology, wealth and economic power. Cuba was once a functional country. before they were controlled by a dictator that destroyed the country. Socialism ruins countries and it leads to communism. I strongly believe Russia will interfere again in this election, if they cannot fight a war with weapons, they will weaponize vulnerability, specifically the vulnerability of the poor to turn the  Sarkodie Fan Painting Oofeetso Shirt  of Americans against American values. From:  shop trending shirt

David Rose Wild Aloof Rebel Shirt

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Buy it:   David Rose Wild Aloof Rebel Shirt See more:  David Rose Wild Aloof Rebel Shirt Watching fox news come on reporters you are calling Candidates by their trump nick names.. Your channel is a disgrace. Quit acting like the  David Rose Wild Aloof Rebel Shirt  inquirer and leave the grade school, highschool, antics alone. I hope they come down on you hard and also goes for the other greedy American Sons of the elite you and they have no reason to be over there For a long time now we have been a country that favors business. From:  shop trending shirt

Official I Run A Tight Shipwreck Shirt

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Buy it:  Official I Run A Tight Shipwreck Shirt See more:  Official I Run A Tight Shipwreck Shirt This is good. Keep as many as you can on stage and let them eat their own. I watched the  Official I Run A Tight Shipwreck Shirt  debate in its entirety. What a mess. Not a single Democratic person I know said a peep on FB about this debate so what does that tell you?Dear god. This debate is going to be humiliating for Biden. Joe clearly has something going on, and he can’t even debate a woman at his rally, not to mention Trump. From:  shop trending shirt

Big Bald Wall Brad Guzan Shirt

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Buy it:  Big Bald Wall Brad Guzan Shirt See more:  Big Bald Wall Brad Guzan Shirt Both the  Big Bald Wall Brad Guzan Shirt  and Republican parties make up around 30 percent equally of our voting population. The majority of voters are Independents. Those Independents are why Trump will easily win in 2020. That is also why Pelosi said if he wasn't removed Trump has already won. Many Democrats already realize that. Trump has too many Republicans and Independents who will vote for him. It doesn't even matter who Democrats nominate. From:  shop trending shirt

Houston Trasholes Shirt

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Buy it:   Houston Trasholes Shirt See more:  Houston Trasholes Shirt Let me get my popcorn can't wait to see what Biden screws up this time maybe this time he will say he is on the  Houston Trasholes Shirt  to victory to become ambassador to China . I can see it now he will start of by saying welcome Mississippi thank you for supporting me and Obama .I’m sure he’s very pleased to have won the senatorial primary for North Carolina, or someplace.Now onward to that brokered convention. From:  shop trending shirt

Hitting The Wall Shirt

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Buy it:  Hitting The Wall Shirt See more:  Hitting The Wall Shirt So almost 50% of people in South Carolina voted for someone who clearly has cognitive issues to run this country. What has happened to the  Hitting The Wall Shirt  in this country? Have they been so brainwashed with hatred for President Trump that they would choose an incapable person to run the greatest nation in the world?Hopefully this will keep him around a while. I want as many candidates as possible to stay in as long as possible. Come on brokered convention. Let's watch the Dems burn their party to the ground. From:  shop trending shirt

Cincinnati Strength Shirt

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Buy it:  Cincinnati Strength Shirt See more:  Cincinnati Strength Shirt If he were such a brilliant manager, why couldn't someone like him go to Venezuela and turn that country around.Americans tend to go in and further rape a country of their natural resources. We need to be different.We'd begin by making the  Cincinnati Strength Shirt , then waiting for an invitation. It would be of paramount importance to work with Venezulans to be sure that there would be follow through. From:  shop trending shirt

Cincinnati Jeaux Welcome To The Jungle Shirt

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Buy it:  Cincinnati Jeaux Welcome To The Jungle Shirt See more:  Cincinnati Jeaux Welcome To The Jungle Shirt So the people of S.C. had to endure his stupid commercials for months just to have him quit on the night of the S.C. primary? All of the  Cincinnati Jeaux Welcome To The Jungle Shirt  candidates should just quit now since Trump will beat them all so badly in November.He was so nasty talking about our president, just like the rest of the Democratic candidates are doing, they don’t want to be President of the United States to help us they just want to see who’s the best one to beat Donald Trump,they need to quit running him down just like Hillary called us deplorable‘s it backfired in her face. From:  shop trending shirt

Black Guns Matter Shirt

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Buy it:  Black Guns Matter Shirt See more:  Black Guns Matter Shirt Another dud bites the  Black Guns Matter Shirt  !!! Geez don’t know how we’ll get along without him. Just think of the Money he wasted on this fools errand that could have been used to take care of wounded soldiers Well when you waste all your money on a false impeachment fund, you run out of money to run a campaign...I hope Bernie is paying attention too!! Even the rich run out of cash.This guy was spouting reparation payments. To whom would he make payments to? Where would the money come from? Maybe he was going to give people 40 acres a mule. From:  shop trending shirt

Kronk Gym Shirt

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Buy it:  Kronk Gym Shirt See more:  Kronk Gym Shirt  When you have no accomplishments of your own ,you should just keep your pie hole shut and come up with some original thoughts of your own.and to state illegals have more rights than US citizens and stand there and defend the  Kronk Gym Shirt  that voted against trying to save the lives of botched abortion babies....and leave our guns alone...the 2nd amendment was written for US to defend ourselves against government when they go rogue. From:  shop trending shirt

I’m Gonna Ride You Like A Stolen Bike Shirt

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Buy it:  I’m Gonna Ride You Like A Stolen Bike Shirt See more:  I’m Gonna Ride You Like A Stolen Bike Shirt I couldn’t watch and listen to her continue to bad mouth our amazing President Trump, as if he caused the  I’m Gonna Ride You Like A Stolen Bike Shirt , so I switched the channel! And not for nothing, if she can’t even brush her own teeth before appearing on tv, given that personal hygiene prevents the spread of bacteria and viruses, How could anyone expect her to look out for the welfare of Americans- just saying! Nothing like a yellowy/beige smile! From:  shop trending shirt

Once Upon A Time There Was A Girl Who REally Loved Books It Was Me The End Shirt

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Buy it:  Once Upon A Time There Was A Girl Who REally Loved Books It Was Me The End Shirt See more:  Once Upon A Time There Was A Girl Who REally Loved Books It Was Me The End Shirt The moderators Brett & Martha as much as I love them should he ashamed for letting Amy Klobuchar off the  Once Upon A Time There Was A Girl Who REally Loved Books It Was Me The End Shirt  by not asking her How much she would ask Congress for in funding the Coronavirus. Trump specifically asked for 2.5billion Amy lied said he did not ask for an exact number. Even in Trump’s news conference last night he said many times 2.5 billion and if Congress wanted to give more please do. From:  shop trending shirt

Official I’m A Slut For Tacos A Ta-Cho If You Will Shirt

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Buy it:  Official I’m A Slut For Tacos A Ta-Cho If You Will Shirt See more:  Official I’m A Slut For Tacos A Ta-Cho If You Will Shirt Most people will need mortgage forgiveness after being payroll taxed at 52% while paying everyone else's student loans if Bernie ever becomes the  Official I’m A Slut For Tacos A Ta-Cho If You Will Shirt  . She wants to make it law. If you don't respect life, I can't respect you. It is proven scientifically that a developing human in the womb is a life. Yet the Democrats ignore truly settled science unlike man made climate change. From:  shop trending shirt

L’anse Area Schools Hunter Pelon Dmr Calt Hap Shirt

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Buy it:  L’anse Area Schools Hunter Pelon Dmr Calt Hap Shirt See more:  L’anse Area Schools Hunter Pelon Dmr Calt Hap Shirt I have a question for you. After listening to your interview you listed a Trump’s proposed tax cuts as a reason for the  L’anse Area Schools Hunter Pelon Dmr Calt Hap Shirt  . Exactly, how many cases of coronavirus occurred because Trump proposed a tax cut that was not implemented?Anything he does, anything he addresses to the people. Democrats always have something to say against Trump. This is how desperate they are knowing he will be reelected. From:  shop trending shirt

I’m Doing My Best Shirt

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Buy it:  I’m Doing My Best Shirt See more:  I’m Doing My Best Shirt Warren wants to be president but how can she expect people to trust she can handle foreign affairs when she's too frightened to even appear on Fox? At least the other candidates aren't that scared to appear.  Amy is like the  I’m Doing My Best Shirt  failed cantidates in blaming Trump for everything without facts. Amy is a rude mean person. She showed how bitchy she was during the Kavanaugh hearing. From:  shop trending shirt

I Stand With Quaden Shirt

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Buy it:   I Stand With Quaden Shirt See more:  I Stand With Quaden Shirt She talked about how she was against Trump pulling people off the border in Syria, but failed to mention that they never authorized them to be there in the  I Stand With Quaden Shirt  place. Obama put them there for what was supposed to be for a few weeks and they said nothing at all when they stayed for years. They wont let Trump put troops anywhere like that without their say.She also doubled down on supporting abortion and will work to codify Roe vs Wade if elected president. Not my vote. From:  shop trending shirt

Houston Astros Legends Nolan Ryan Jeff Bagwell Craig Biggio Signatures Shirt

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Buy it:  Houston Astros Legends Nolan Ryan Jeff Bagwell Craig Biggio Signatures Shirt See more:  Houston Astros Legends Nolan Ryan Jeff Bagwell Craig Biggio Signatures Shirt All these candidates are"Monday morning quarterbacks" Trump should have done this and should have done that differently concerning the  Houston Astros Legends Nolan Ryan Jeff Bagwell Craig Biggio Signatures Shirt  . I doubt if there was anything he could have done differently, but they are going to blame him for every person that comes down with it. Kloburchar continues to looks foolish. Not a snowball's chance in Hell of winning anything and certainly not the Presidency. Her mind should be tell her to quit her power quest but her enflated ego stands in the way. From:  shop trending shirt

Gree Grad Silent Assassin Shirt

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Buy it:  Gree Grad Silent Assassin Shirt See more:  Gree Grad Silent Assassin Shirt We live in a country we’re you can live your dream or your job that is fun plus it makes other enjoy and to have them come to the  Gree Grad Silent Assassin Shirt  House that’s an honor to be invited As you read down it says “this isn’t the first team with an issue” huh. What’s the issue they all said it’s an honor to go to the White House not one said anything negative it’s not about who’s president More teams should act like KC keep politics out of it Class act. Didn’t players on the Niners say they weren’t going.  From:  shop trending shirt

Goggles And headbands Ja Morant Shirt

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Buy it:  Goggles And headbands Ja Morant Shirt See more:  Goggles And headbands Ja Morant Shirt Of course it's a unique opportunity. It's the  Goggles And headbands Ja Morant Shirt  White House. Regardless of who's president, it's an incredible honor to be invited to meet the president A good for him no matter how good an athlete you are or how diverse the administration is you should always be honored to be invited to the White House if you're a true patriot of the country. From:  shop trending shirt

Everybody Has An Addiction Mine Just Happens To Be Reba Mcentire Shirt

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Buy it:   Everybody Has An Addiction Mine Just Happens To Be Reba Mcentire Shirt See more:  Everybody Has An Addiction Mine Just Happens To Be Reba Mcentire Shirt I wouldn't care who the   Everybody Has An Addiction Mine Just Happens To Be Reba Mcentire Shirt  was. If my team won the Super Bowl and I had the opportunity to go, I would do it. It's an honor to be invited and I would love the experience.Not a Chiefs fan, Raider Nation here, so any football fan will know this is not easy for me to say however, the Chiefs are definately a classy team very respectful to our country, our military, the community, and last but not least our amazing President Donald J. Trump. From:  shop trending shirt


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Buy it:  EPCOT Shirt See more:  EPCOT Shirt Keep fracking and there may be zero jobs because of the earth making it unlivable for us. It's not all about the  EPCOT Shirt  made in your lifetime. Think of the human race. plus you'll be a whole new industry opened up with new jobs and opportunity.Let’s dig up the earth for lithium and use coal to charge lithium batteries, so pretend environmentalists can feel good about their electric cars. From: shop trending shirt

If you can read this thank the phoenicians shirt

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Buy it:  If you can read this thank the phoenicians shirt See more:  If you can read this thank the phoenicians shirt  Farmers have more gray matter in their manure piles than Mini-Mike has in his whole head. This is amazing---this is showing care and concern for the  If you can read this thank the phoenicians shirt  generations who have worked hard and want to keep farming. God bless all farmers. Boombleberg, look at this pull the gray matter off your pen. Gosh who would have thought one of our farmers have a tin of gray matter to pull that off. You empty headed rich man from. From:   shop trending shirt

Gas Monkey Garage Dallas Texas Blood Sweat And Beers Shirt

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Buy it:   Gas Monkey Garage Dallas Texas Blood Sweat And Beers Shirt See more:  Gas Monkey Garage Dallas Texas Blood Sweat And Beers Shirt This is the   Gas Monkey Garage Dallas Texas Blood Sweat And Beers Shirt  thing I have ever seen - someone has WAY too much time on their hands! Could we get back to some substantial news for a change? Listening to him I thought he sounded so familiar. Then it hit me, Obama's back. He must have been studying Obama's body language and delivery for years. Not buying what you're selling Pete. Well you can’t accuse President Trump of plagiarizing. He’s definitely an original and I love him!! From:   shop trending shirt

I Don’t Make Mistakes When Playing The Piano I Make Spontaneous Creative Decisions Shirt

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Buy it:  I Don’t Make Mistakes When Playing The Piano I Make Spontaneous Creative Decisions Shirt See more:  I Don’t Make Mistakes When Playing The Piano I Make Spontaneous Creative Decisions Shirt There are similarities. Pete is trying to copy. The   I Don’t Make Mistakes When Playing The Piano I Make Spontaneous Creative Decisions Shirt  for both is speaking in a lengthy circular pattern where nothing is actually ever answered but it sounds nuanced. Obama added the technique of speaking from on high and Pete can't quite master that.It was ok for andrew gillum to do it in Florida though while trying to win the governors office?. Oh right, Obama campaigned for gillum. From:   shop trending shirt

Official Gas Monkey Garage Dallas Texas Shirt

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Buy it:  Official Gas Monkey Garage Dallas Texas Shirt See more:  Official Gas Monkey Garage Dallas Texas Shirt President Obama had very good speech writers and was a very good speaker with prepared speeches, however many of his speeches had well known political cliches. Pretty tough not to appear to plagiarize when so many speeches had political cliches in the first place President Obama had very good speech writers and was a very good speaker with prepared speeches, however many of his speeches had well known political cliches. Pretty tough not to appear to plagiarize when so many speeches had political cliches in the  Official Gas Monkey Garage Dallas Texas Shirt  place From:   shop trending shirt

Novak Djokovic Roger Federer Rafael Nadal Champions Shirt

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Buy it:  Novak Djokovic Roger Federer Rafael Nadal Champions Shirt See more:  Novak Djokovic Roger Federer Rafael Nadal Champions Shirt For all you critics out there that seem to be blaming this all on Trump, maybe you should check the date of the  Novak Djokovic Roger Federer Rafael Nadal Champions Shirt . Last I checked, he wasn’t even running for president then. But I sure as hell know who was the president.For all you critics out there that seem to be blaming this all on Trump, maybe you should check the date of the incident. Last I checked, he wasn’t even running for president then. But I sure as hell know who was the president. From:   shop trending shirt

Ik Ben Geen 31 Ik Ben Maar 28 BTW Shirt

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Buy it:   Ik Ben Geen 31 Ik Ben Maar 28 BTW Shirt See more:  Ik Ben Geen 31 Ik Ben Maar 28 BTW Shirt Sotomayor was stating a legal fact. Of course, Trumpo mistook her comment because he took it that she would not be supportive to him personally. This is how a dictator thinks, and lives.ginsburg has a point, which side of the   Ik Ben Geen 31 Ik Ben Maar 28 BTW Shirt  the kid was shot shouldn't matter, but from a different reasoning. Regardless of where, fact remains that they were breaking immigration laws with intent. It said the kids were running back and forth playing around. And it also said no proof of an attack that provoked the shooting. Did anyone read the article? From:   shop trending shirt

I Love Her Shamrocks Shirt

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Buy it:  I Love Her Shamrocks Shirt See more:  I Love Her Shamrocks Shirt Was their house 5 feet from the   I Love Her Shamrocks Shirt ? I sympathize a boy lost his life but had he been a US citizen, our officers could have done the same.A fifteen year old is not a "child", and running back and forth across an international border is not a game. There's been so many times agents have had rocks thrown at them, just looks like they picked the wrong fight. From:   shop trending shirt

I Don’t Need Luck I’ve Got Jesus Shirt

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Buy it:  I Don’t Need Luck I’ve Got Jesus Shirt See more:  I Don’t Need Luck I’ve Got Jesus Shirt  These children knew they were crossing illegally into the U.S. Teach your children to respect the law, especially when you are illegally in another country. Throwing rocks is an assault on any person. Time our courts protected those keeping our borders safe!Nooooo they are part of cartels and they are the   I Don’t Need Luck I’ve Got Jesus Shirt  they should be responsible for their own border. I am deeply sorry for what happen to that child but don’t forget about the parents, don’t you think they are responsible for loosing their child? From:   shop trending shirt

Gas Monkey Garage Dallas Texas Shirt

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Buy it:  Gas Monkey Garage Dallas Texas Shirt See more:  Gas Monkey Garage Dallas Texas Shirt Anyone who’s been through LEO or military training will tell you a rock is considered a deadly weapon and attack with one warrants lethal force.However this does not mean we can stand at the border and shoot people on the  Gas Monkey Garage Dallas Texas Shirt  side and get away with it. Imagine standing on the northern border and shooting someone in Canada, then say “you cant sue me you’re over an international border.” From:   shop trending shirt

Gas Monkey Garage Blood Sweat And Beers Shirt

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Buy it:  Gas Monkey Garage Blood Sweat And Beers Shirt See more:  Gas Monkey Garage Blood Sweat And Beers Shirt How much you want to bet that people will read this as an act that took place under Trump and blame his policies when it actually happened under the  Gas Monkey Garage Blood Sweat And Beers Shirt  administration?since we stopped stacking the Supreme Court with liberal activist judges, like Kagan and Sotomayor, both who were placed there solely because of their ethnicity and sexual preference respectively, they sure have been following the constitution a lot more. From:   shop trending shirt

Billy The Puppet Shirt

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Buy it:   Billy The Puppet Shirt See more:  Billy The Puppet Shirt  I have travelled in foreign countries and have always respected their laws and borders. I always crossed at proper locations with my paperwork in order. I am not a genius this is just common sense.Sad that a child may have been harmed, but the  Billy The Puppet Shirt  are totally responsible for illegally crossing the border and exposing the child. Try coming into the country legally and wait your turn like millions do. From:   shop trending shirt

06 Years of Outlander 2014 -2020 Thank You For The Memories Shirt

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Buy it:  06 Years of Outlander 2014 -2020 Thank You For The Memories Shirt See more:  06 Years of Outlander 2014 -2020 Thank You For The Memories Shirt Good looking tractor and something I might need in a few years. No better place to be for an old codger to be in the air conditioned cab of the  06 Years of Outlander 2014 -2020 Thank You For The Memories Shirt  Deere making things happen on the ground.There's wrong place at the wrong time and then there is "You shouldn't have been there in the first place.'. He was in fact running back and forth across the border and throwing rocks, which are a deadly weapon.. Time to stop playing with the border or any other law or agent and take them seriously. From: shop trending shirt

Love Crazy bird lady heart shirt

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Buy it:  Love Crazy bird lady heart shirt See more: Love Crazy bird lady heart shirt Amy voted to impeach the  Love Crazy bird lady heart shirt  and remove her political opponent from the ballot in November to prevent  Donald Trump  from cheating to be RE elected because he supposedly wanted to investigate his political opponent Joe Biden to remove him from the ballot.Step out now before you let Bernie Sanders win the Democratic Nomination. People may not agree with  Donald Trump  but he is much better than Bernie Sanders.   From:   shop funnny shirt

The Pug King Shirt

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Buy it:  The Pug King Shirt See more: The Pug King Shirt  The  The Pug King Shirt  election will not be a good election for the democrats you haven't done anything in the last 3 years to earn our vote. I had rather vote for Hitler than Socialist, communist hypocrite Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Pocahontas! At least Hitler was sincere and not a hypocrite like Bernie and Elizabeth Warren who pretend to defend the poor by attacking the rich when they are totally the opposite of what they preach. They are living the  most  lavish lifestyle at the expense of others,  traveling  in private jets and living in luxurious mansions!  From:   shop funnny shirt

Unicorn Leopard Shirt

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Buy it:   Unicorn Leopard Shirt See more: Unicorn Leopard Shirt  How about doing something positive for all the  Unicorn   Leopard  Shirt  people and stop worrying and attacking President Trump. How about stopping illegals entering our country. How about fixing health care and no Medicare for all. How about helping students with a low cost of student loans and not give anything away for nothing when the country cannot afford it. How about recognizing that the 1% of the wealthy pay the largest share of taxes in this country.  From:   shop funnny shirt

Turtle Leopard Shirt

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Buy it:  Turtle Leopard Shirt See more: Turtle Leopard Shirt   Typical Democrat Politician don't work for anything. Just expect someone else to pay. President Trump is a whole lot smarter than giving you any of his money The  Turtle  Leopard  Shirt  of the pack is not a democrat. The rest of the candidates tried to go further left of him. They left their democratic values behind. All they  talk  about is how much free stuff they can give away to those who neither earn it nor deserve.  From:   shop funnny shirt

NDSU Ncaa division football champion shirt

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Buy it:   NDSU Ncaa division football champion shirt See more: NDSU Ncaa division football champion shirt  The Democrats have been useless to this country since before John Kennedy and the  NDSU  Ncaa  division football champion shirt  has been paying for it for the last 50 years at least who's she kidding besides her blind Democrat supporters  I hate to say it but once Amy  drops  out of the race she is the one who will pay the price when she doesn't get re-Elected!! For ignoring her District.  From:   shop funnny shirt

Marc Marquez 93 vintage sunset shirt

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Buy it:  Marc Marquez 93 vintage sunset shirt See more: Marc Marquez 93 vintage sunset shirt   Everything she's says is a one liner cliche , and they come out like she's been waiting forever to say the  Marc Marquez 93 vintage sunset shirt . She'll butt in and speak up only when she thinks her can one will work for this situation. as nice as I can say it you have no business in politics get some experience and come back if you want to try again after you are more seasoned.  From:   shop funnny shirt

Snoopy you are my sunshine chords shirt

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Buy it:   Snoopy you are my sunshine chords shirt See more: Snoopy you are my sunshine chords shirt  Oh, they ran them Into the  Snoopy you are my sunshine chords shirt . If people in those states vote democratic again they get what they get! I hope they see what has happened and vote Republican  The Democrats are alienating their own states citizens on the regular, especially since many Politicians are embracing Marxism, violating the second amendment and encouraging child murder and also illegal immigration.  From:   shop funnny shirt

Sorry we’re late I was Being A little Shirt

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Buy it:  Sorry we’re late I was Being A little Shirt See more: Sorry we’re late I was Being A little Shirt   Trump 2020. This country cannot be foolish enough to vote for any of these democrats. What happened to them. No good ones left. Party hijacked by radical left. Till democrats stand up against them n come back to lot less govt hope america votes them out Catchy tag line, but she couldn’t handle 10 minutes of Buttigieg calling her out on her voting record the  Sorry we’re late I was Being A little Shirt  night. She doesn’t stand a chance against Trump. Nobody does.  From:   shop funnny shirt

Oldometer 49 50 Shirt

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Buy it:  Oldometer 49 50 Shirt See more: Oldometer 49 50 Shirt  ! You and sleepy joe should do it now, and save some dignity! The embarrassment of yet another democratic loss in the  Oldometer 49 50 Shirt  race is reserved for Bernie. TRUMP is gonna win in a landslide in November!Why is she running? She stands for nothing, has no agenda and just criticizes without solutions. Oh wait, thats the dumbocrats MO. Just walk away, Trump will destroy anyone you oppose him with, we will make sure it happens.  From:   shop funnny shirt

You Can’t Scare Me I have A crazy Bestie She Has Anger Issues And A Serious Dislike For Stupid People Shirt

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Buy it:  You Can’t Scare Me I have A crazy Bestie She Has Anger Issues And A Serious Dislike For Stupid People Shirt See more: You Can’t Scare Me I have A crazy Bestie She Has Anger Issues And A Serious Dislike For Stupid People Shirt  No world for children! The  You Can’t Scare Me I have A crazy  Bestie  She Has Anger Issues And A Serious Dislike For Stupid People Shirt  we created is not the world we live in. Astonishingly young people all over the world are deciding not to bring children in to the world. Smarter and more informed than the previous generations.Amy, you remind me of a sixth grade teacher at a meet and greet. your presentation sucks, you do not look comfortable talking in front of people that oppose you and have a way about you that just seems silly.  From:   shop funnny shirt

Unicorn Riding Believe In Yourself Shirt

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Buy it:  Unicorn Riding Believe In Yourself Shirt See more: Unicorn Riding Believe In Yourself Shirt  Anyone who's raised kids know they can slip out of sight in a  flash  at that age. When my oldest was about 2 he somehow managed to get out the door and onto the  Unicorn  Riding Believe In Yourself Shirt . Someone stopped and brought him in. Happened while we were moving. Makes you feel like the worst parent ever. Sadly they won't get a chance to learn from their mistakes. Sad story.  From:   shop funnny shirt

All I Need Is Coffee And Gangsta Rap Shirt

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Buy it:   All I Need Is Coffee And Gangsta Rap Shirt See more: All I Need Is Coffee And Gangsta Rap Shirt    He didn't get the  All I Need Is Coffee And  Gangsta  Rap Shirt  penalty until he killed a fourth person already in prison? He was merely convicted for killing his grandmother and two  high school  friends? What is wrong with this country's justice system?The death penalty is a form of deterrent but the judge and jury who sentence an innocent person to death and they were proven to be innocent afterwards should also be  sentenced  to death.  From:   shop funnny shirt

Dayton Is Legit T Shirt

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Buy it:   Dayton Is Legit T Shirt See more: Dayton Is Legit T Shirt    40 years?! Someone who can kill their grandma like that deserves to die. He got off easy with a merciful death. Should've done it a lot sooner He should have been executed after his first murder conviction, but he got to live in general population and continue his killing.I am glad he turned his life around, he is going to need it in the  Dayton Is Legit T Shirt . I do however feel justice was served. No one can replace the life taken by his hand. Should have been carried out years prior.  From:   shop funnny shirt

German Shepherd I Love Police Shirt

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Buy it:   German Shepherd I Love Police Shirt See more: German Shepherd I Love Police Shirt    If he was convicted without a shadow of a doubt by the jurors and  sentenced  to the death penalty by the  German Shepherd I Love Police Shirt , there should be a maximum of one week only for an  appeal  to prove otherwise. Still sad for the families of those he killed. A terrible time to wait before final closure. I am glad, though, that he seems to have found some inner wholeness and peace before the end. Maybe he found God in prison.  From:   shop funnny shirt