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How much you want to bet that people will read this as an act that took place under Trump and blame his policies when it actually happened under the Gas Monkey Garage Blood Sweat And Beers Shirt administration?since we stopped stacking the Supreme Court with liberal activist judges, like Kagan and Sotomayor, both who were placed there solely because of their ethnicity and sexual preference respectively, they sure have been following the constitution a lot more.
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See more: Gas Monkey Garage Blood Sweat And Beers Shirt

How much you want to bet that people will read this as an act that took place under Trump and blame his policies when it actually happened under the Gas Monkey Garage Blood Sweat And Beers Shirt administration?since we stopped stacking the Supreme Court with liberal activist judges, like Kagan and Sotomayor, both who were placed there solely because of their ethnicity and sexual preference respectively, they sure have been following the constitution a lot more.
From: shop trending shirt
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