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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 4, 2020

Hotnewshirt-Sonic Mando Shirt

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Buy it:  Sonic Mando Shirt Wow maybe we should stay shuttered in place forever to save lives apparently this is one law even criminals obey, either that or they simply have no one to victimize since everyone is in jail oh I mean house arrest, oops sorry lock down.The  Sonic Mando Shirt  down needs to end now. There nothing good about staying closed. Don’t make this lockdown seem like it’s a good thing when it’s a nightmare for many. That’s because everyone who died no matter how they died, died from corona. Car crash = corona, heart attack. From:  shop trending shirt

Hotnewshirt-Social Distancing If I Can Turn Around And Punch You In The Face You_re Too Close Shirt

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Buy it:  Social Distancing If I Can Turn Around And Punch You In The Face You_re Too Close Shirt So many deaths have been written off as CV deaths that an ambulance could bring in a stabbing victim who tests positive and they would record it as Covid19 death instead of murder.At the same time gun sales are thru the roof and bullets don’t make it to the  Social Distancing If I Can Turn Around And Punch You In The Face You_re Too Close Shirt  at bass pro. Totally destroying the lefts narrative about more guns make us less safe Well by the descriptions of what’s happening inside the secrecy of the hospitals that would be false. However since nobody has the nuts to expose it, we’re not gonna know. You people who have been leaking tidbits from in the hospitals need to open the flood gates. From:  shop trending shirt

Hotnewshirt-Skull Crazy Mom Shirt

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Buy it:  Skull Crazy Mom Shirt Yeah I’m so sure of that. Criminals don’t follow rules any better then Politicians follow their oath of office. Miami also hasn’t had anyone die of natural causes think about that You mean people have been locked up so the  Skull Crazy Mom Shirt  hasn’t been any witnesses/people locating bodies or people concerned because its normal now to not hear from your neighbors. Nothing seen to report does not mean nothing happened.I hope this lockdown teaches people that not all jobs require people to be at an office or cubicle. So many jobs that could be done from home instead cause traffic jams and accidents every day. From:  shop trending shirt

Hotnewshirt-Shih Tzu Mom 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt

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Buy it:  Shih Tzu Mom 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt I hope for the party’s sake that the  Shih Tzu Mom 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt  was always Pence because Trump is stupid. Did anyone see how high as a kite Trump was the other day while meeting with industry execs? Now the numbers will skyrocket! Patients should keep track and make sure your flu doesn’t get re diagnosed. If it does, you may be paying a flu bill while the hospital gets covid funding as well. I hate to be so cyn7cak, but have been double dipped on before with medical billing. From:  shop trending shirt

Hotnewshirt-Samuell Jackson 6 Feet Motherfucker Shirt

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Buy it:  Samuell Jackson 6 Feet Motherfucker Shirt More waste of tax dollars to further bankrupt the  Samuell Jackson 6 Feet Motherfucker Shirt . Health care providers treat uninsured patients every day anyway. What about reimbursement for lost funds for all the people required to stay at home because of the virus? Should multimillion dollar health care facilities be subsidized for lost income but individuals living payday to payday should go bankrupt?Would be nice if you were treated on the basis of need, not your financial status or level of insurance. From:  shop trending shirt

Hotnewshirt-Put On Mask Coroffna Coroffna Shirt

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Buy it:  Put On Mask Coroffna Coroffna Shirt You’ve only got to watch US tv channels to see what the issue is. Every second advertisement is for a drug or magic potion, then with that you have the  Put On Mask Coroffna Coroffna Shirt  for free litigation against the drugs you took a few years ago as a miracle cure for an ailment that was caused by poor diet or lack of exercise.This coronavirus has ruined healthcare. Now people that are having a heart attack or stroke or have high blood pressure or whatever are afraid to go to the hospital now because they’re afraid they’re going to get coronavirus and die. Suicides have started too. From:  shop trending shirt

Hotnewshirt-Pug Face Mask American Flag Quarantined 2020 Toilet Paper Shirt

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Buy it:  Pug Face Mask American Flag Quarantined 2020 Toilet Paper Shirt Where are all the  Pug Face Mask American Flag Quarantined 2020 Toilet Paper Shirt   women of #MeToo??? This poor woman has had to sit on thhttps://hotnewshirt.com/product/pug-face-mask-american-flag-quarantined-2020-toilet-paper-shirt/e sidelines while her attacker, Joe Biden goes around grouping and touching every young girl he can,in plain view. Where is the outrage for his deliberate assaults. Sickening.In this day and time and all the dishonesty, did you ever think the dems might be fueling this so they won’t have to address the real issue. Dementia? And they just have to set back and let the media run with it. From:  shop trending shirt

Hotnewshirt-Pink Horse And Brown Horse 2020 Toilet Paper The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt

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Buy it:   Pink Horse And Brown Horse 2020 Toilet Paper The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt if the  Pink Horse And Brown Horse 2020 Toilet Paper The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt  media is treating Biden with kid gloves now, then it just shows how they would handle his presidency. No wonder people think some presidents don’t have any issues whereas others seem to have lots. It’s all distorted on purpose, and these are news sources. I wouldn’t address it either. There are so many contradictions, etc in the story that I think even she is confused. Even her mother doesn’t have a ‘set’ story. From:  shop trending shirt

Hotnewshirt-Pikachu Playstation Pew Pew Shirt

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Buy it:  Pikachu Playstation Pew Pew Shirt He knows there is no reason for him to address the allegation . It’s not like he’s a Republican , guilty just because an allegation was made . The  Pikachu Playstation Pew Pew Shirt  will never call him on this and he knows it . He’ll just keep quiet and the Media will attack the accuser and bury the accusation Not one Democrat or the Mainstream media are asking any questions. If Joe was a Republican all hell would be breaking loose. He would be convicted before proven guilty or innocent. Not one Democrat in D.C. will even comment. There are 2 different justice systems. One for the Dems and one for the Republicans. Republicans are prosecuted and Dems are not. From:  shop trending shirt

Hotnewshirt-Stay Home And Watch Cool Runnings Shirt

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Buy it:  Stay Home And Watch Cool Runnings Shirt America had a real oppurtunity for change in Bernie Sanders. I don’t like Biden and feel he won’t solve any of America’s burning problems. Compared to Trump though he is the  Stay Home And Watch Cool Runnings Shirt  option. I honestly feel that Trump is losing the plot as his narcissism reaches ridiculously high levels. It would be fun to watch if he wasn’t screwing up the planet at the same time. I love listening to my president, Cyril Ramaphosa, when he addresses South Africa. Such a compassionate, well educated man. The American people have my sympathy. From:  shop trending shirt

Hotnewshirt-Official Golden Retriever Face Mask American Flag Quarantined 2020 Toilet Paper Shirt

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Buy it:  Official Golden Retriever Face Mask American Flag Quarantined 2020 Toilet Paper Shirt Biden has no idea who these women are that he assaulted. He doesn’t even know where he is. He’s just gonna let the  Official Golden Retriever Face Mask American Flag Quarantined 2020 Toilet Paper Shirt  handle it for him like they do everything else. We all know he’s guilty as hell and if the children could talk he’d be in worse trouble Joe doesn’t remember what he had for breakfast so how can he remember this woman? The focus, sadly, should be on media cover up and to a larger extent, every liberal on Facebook that publicly condemned BK. Their hypocrisy shows and everyone knows it. I remember many that I grew up with who were willing to destroy BK and yet I see them today posting little cat memes and anti-Trump memes. Very disappointing that they do not at the very least say their should be an investigation. From:  shop trending shirt

Hotnewshirt-Nurse We Can Do It Fight For Us Stay At Home Shirt

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Buy it:  Nurse We Can Do It Fight For Us Stay At Home Shirt Sounds like a Swift Boat load of s**t all over again. I hope Biden and the Dems hit Trump back hard on this, cause he is sure vulnerable. No matter what Joe may have done, he’s a Saint compared to philanderer Trump.She didn’t just accuse him, she filed a criminal complaint. Big difference than a he said, she said He’ll have to answer it soon enough. Let it drag on until the  Nurse We Can Do It Fight For Us Stay At Home Shirt  there’s no way in hell Trump doesn’t beat him senseless with it. For those wondering when she filed the complaint it was on April 9, 2020. Here’s a link from MSN just so I don’t get accused of only reading Fox. From:  shop trending shirt

Hotnewshirt- Metallica Pug Master Of Puppies Shirt

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Buy it:  Metallica Pug Master Of Puppies Shirt Kavanaugh up for Supreme Court: 30+ year old allegation, by one woman, who was admittedly intoxicated, and her story was refuted by half a dozen people. Democrats lose their minds, protests, 24/7 news coverage.Biden up for President: nearly a dozen women as recently as a few years ago, nobody outwardly refuting, none of the accusers intoxicated. Democrats giving glowing endorsements, leftist media barely touching on it, no protests and the “believe all women” crowd is deafeningly silent. If this doesn’t show the  Metallica Pug Master Of Puppies Shirt  -seated hypocrisy in the left nothing does. From:  shop trending shirt

Hotnewshirt-Metallica Labrador Retriever Master Of Puppies Shirt

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Buy it:  Metallica Labrador Retriever Master Of Puppies Shirt He can’t remember who Tara is. It’s kind of sad they went through one of the most charged primaries of all time and Biden got pooped out the  Metallica Labrador Retriever Master Of Puppies Shirt  side. If you don’t believe the Democrats are broken after this cycle, you are in a dream world. I’m surprised there hasn’t been more women come forward. She comes forward and claimed sexual assault against Joe Biden and Nancy pelosi endorses him to be president. And people actually vote for these Democrats. From:  shop trending shirt

Hotnewshirt-Metallica Dalmatian Master Of Puppies Shirt

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Buy it:  Metallica Dalmatian Master Of Puppies Shirt The Democratic Party narrowed their field down to one incompetent predator. Why? So that he steps down and then Cuomo can step up after being the  Metallica Dalmatian Master Of Puppies Shirt  hero. Yep. I said it. King Cuomo will make the push. He’s been campaigning for the last 7 weeks.Just follow his creepy comments regarding children and women, very telling. Also, every job I interviewed for and was hired for required me to be checked for “fit for duty”. It is obvious he is not fit for the highest position in the land. And what happens down the road when he needs to release a clean bill of health physical that he surely cannot pass? From:  shop trending shirt

Hotnewshirt-Metallica Berger Australien Master Of Puppies Shirt

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Buy it:  Metallica Berger Australien Master Of Puppies Shirt It used to be something many women had to dodge and behavior every working woman learned to avoid. To act surprised at this behavior by Biden is almost silly, especially since there are thousands of women out here who dodged continually and much better, apparently.It’s Horrible that Fox News Has to bring up this type of trash and women that may not like him or it happen so long ago as well. I expect something like this coming from the Donald Trump campaign as well during the  Metallica Berger Australien Master Of Puppies Shirt . or Other things as well. Some of us will still Vote for Joe Biden then others will vote for Donald Trump on November. From:  shop trending shirt

Hotnewshirt-Metallica Basset Hound Puppy Master Of Puppies Shirt

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Buy it:  Metallica Basset Hound Puppy Master Of Puppies Shirt I hope for the party’s sake that the  Metallica Basset Hound Puppy Master Of Puppies Shirt  was always Pence because Trump is stupid. He wants to talk about Biden having dementia but Trump can’t even spell! Let’s start with that!Where are all the women who came out to support and protest for Christine Ford? Why are they not supporting this accuser? They all said “You have to believe women speaking up against an abuser.” Where are they? Alyssa, Madonna and all the others? Yes, double standard again. From:  shop trending shirt

Hotnewshirt-Metallica Basset Hound Master Of Puppies Shirt

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Buy it:  Metallica Basset Hound Master Of Puppies Shirt If he is guilty then he needs to pay the  Metallica Basset Hound Master Of Puppies Shirt . Just like Brett Kavanaugh and he was only going for the Supreme Court not, the President of the United States. The bad thing is the Democrats will do nothing. They say they are Christians but, some will say it’s a lie because it’s their party. So let me ask them why not have an investigation to find out the truth.I think he aleady denied it. What else should he do?It’s unfortunate that it’s a non-starter due to Cavanaugh and Trump both accused and nothing done about it. Is what it is. From:  shop trending shirt

Hotnewshirt-Metallica Austrian Black Master Of Puppies Shirt

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Buy it:   Metallica Austrian Black Master Of Puppies Shirt What a difference between the  Metallica Austrian Black Master Of Puppies Shirt  allegation and the Kavanaugh allegation. Biden was a mature adult and elected official. His accuser remembers exactly when and where it happened. She told a friend at the time. CNN got a call about the attack shortly after it occurred. The lady got penetrated.Probably thought that if he just ignored it, the media would as well, backed up by Google. But with so much corroboration coming forward, it gets tougher and tougher to ignore. From:  shop trending shirt

Hotnewshirt-Pallbearers Dance Stay Safe Or Dance With Them Shirt

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Buy it:  Pallbearers Dance Stay Safe Or Dance With Them Shirt At all. But he is innocent until proven guilty. That’s how this works. We need to go through the same process as kavanaugh went through and get to the  Pallbearers Dance Stay Safe Or Dance With Them Shirt  of this. Don’t overlook it now that it a democrat being accused.Biden is hiding out. That is his strategy. If he stays out of the news, his approval rate goes up. The more that he is in the public eye, the lower his approval rating. From:  shop trending shirt

Hotnewshirt-Vintage Muppet Show I Dont Always Mahnamahna But When I Do Doo Doot Doo Do Doo Shirt

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Buy it:  Vintage Muppet Show I Dont Always Mahnamahna But When I Do Doo Doot Doo Do Doo Shirt Eu students free as far as I am aware, so foreign from anywhere else in the world paying fees, as are English/n.ireland students! Scottish students can hardly get in as universities need to prioritise those who pay fees. Shocking and idealistic idea by a failing administration. I used to work all summer to save up on living expenses on top of the  Vintage Muppet Show I Dont Always Mahnamahna But When I Do Doo Doot Doo Do Doo Shirt  loans I got each year, and often found that all that still wasn’t enough to live on. I’ll admit there was the occasional week where I overspent on food or alcohol, but still feel like students should get more assistance from landlords who are specifically housing students. From:  shop trending shirt

Hotnewshirt-Some Grandmas Cuss And Will Kick Your Ass If You Mess With Their Grandkids Shirt

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Buy it:  Some Grandmas Cuss And Will Kick Your Ass If You Mess With Their Grandkids Shirt Most students have to have their parents act as guarantor for their lease – so the rent can be paid by either or both. If they are in halls there is a good argument for the university to cancel them, especially for final year students. Private sector is different because this is the landlords livelihood.Btw my daughter’s degree has cost her about £50k (plus interest) in debt – managing that is now also part of the life experience. I was the first generation to lose the  Some Grandmas Cuss And Will Kick Your Ass If You Mess With Their Grandkids Shirt  grant to student loans but at least I didn’t have to pay tuition fees – the world is now full of uncertainty for the future- at least we all share this life experience. From:  shop trending shirt

Hotnewshirt-Peace Love Back The Blue Shirt

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Buy it:  Peace Love Back The Blue Shirt If they’re using all their loans and work in places that are now closed , how would they have been able to ‘ save for their final year’ unless they have bank of mum n dad to help? Of course mum n dad might earn too much for the  Peace Love Back The Blue Shirt  to get the small grant but not enough to have loads of spare money. but as the tenant of the place you rent you are expected to pay the rent for it whether you are living in it or not as it an’t be relet to another tenant while you are the tenant! A council house tenant still has to pay rent on their residence even if they go abroad for six months as they are the tenant of that property! From:  shop trending shirt

Hotnewshirt- Old Woman 2020 Toilet Paper Quarantined Shirt

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Buy it:   Old Woman 2020 Toilet Paper Quarantined Shirt Why should it be different for a student to go home and leave his rented place empty, not to pay any rent to the landlord while the landlord has to lose the rent money on a place he can’t relet so is out of pocket while the student is holding on to the  Old Woman 2020 Toilet Paper Quarantined Shirt  he should be paying rent with?we are in the position you describe in the last part of your comment. I know not all students were able to get the last part of rent and fees scrubbed off: but if we hadn’t had that, she still would have got all her finance as planned. As a student nurse, she wasn’t getting to work anyway. So same as everyone else in the country; she would have had her bills to pay, but unlike millions in the country wouldn’t have had her income slashed by 20%, indeed like myself. From:  shop trending shirt

Hotnewshirt-Mexican Girl 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt

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Buy it:  Mexican Girl 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt Private landlords who have all inclusive rents should offer a reduced rent. If people aren’t in the properties utilities aren’t being used. I understand they would need to still charge but even a small reduction should be affordable and not cause landlords to loose money.Those begrudging the students help. What is wrong with you? Some of these are student nurses working on the  Mexican Girl 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt  line right now and not actually getting paid to do it. From:  shop trending shirt

Hotnewshirt-I Became A Nurse Because Your Life Is Worth My Time Shirt

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Buy it:  I Became A Nurse Because Your Life Is Worth My Time Shirt When I was a student many moons ago, we had to pay rent in the holidays, including the summer holidays, even though we weren’t, & weren’t expected to be, living there. Paying rent retained our rental of a property, without which the  I Became A Nurse Because Your Life Is Worth My Time Shirt  had every right to rent it out to someone else. Why should it be any different now?My son is in Liverpool, wouldn’t expect the landlord to take my risk on, if I was worried then I would have taken insurance out.So if the don’t have to pay rent because they aren’t there, then they give part of their loans back too. From:  shop trending shirt

Hotnewshirt- I Act Like I’m Ok But Deep Down I Need The Baseball Season Back Shirt

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Buy it:  I Act Like I’m Ok But Deep Down I Need The Baseball Season Back Shirt The  I Act Like I’m Ok But Deep Down I Need The Baseball Season Back Shirt  strike came just before lockdown. In this entire academic year my son has had 4/12 modules of his masters degree in Chemical Engineering. Final exams have been changed. Yet same fees, same rent. It’s an absolute disgrace. Radio silence from the Unis. I have my own flat, I’ve come home to my parents. I’m not a student. Should I be reimbursed? No. That’s life. If you want somewhere to live at university when this is all over, you pay your rent and bills just like the rest of us. It’s called being an adult. From:  shop trending shirt

Hotnewshirt-Fresh From The Farm Butt Nuggets Vintage Shirt

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Buy it:  Fresh From The Farm Butt Nuggets Vintage Shirt Oh you poor child. Welcome to adulthood. You better get used to being bent over. I wish you luck though. It’s a sucky situation. My youngest daughter was supposed to start college in the fall. Honor roll student, never missed a day of school all 4 years and now probably doesn’t even get a graduation.We had to pay out our sons lease in order to walk away without any liability for the  Fresh From The Farm Butt Nuggets Vintage Shirt  3 months. That included rent, internet & utilities. He and his roommate are both international students and have gone home. This house is paid for and empty. I’m very disappointed that these landlords have not offered these empty accommodations to health care workers and first responders to isolate from their families while reporting to work. From:  shop trending shirt

Hotnewshirt-Yes I Am Old But I Saw The Rolling Stones On Stage Shirt

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Buy it:  Yes I Am Old But I Saw The Rolling Stones On Stage Shirt If  they’d have pulled their fingers out earlier, they would have saved their rent and tuition fees for the final term; that’s what we did with our daughter. The  Yes I Am Old But I Saw The Rolling Stones On Stage Shirt  of this lot could have avoided the problem had they been a bit sharper he is amazing, to live on £25 pw was just about possible in the 80s and young people get so much unfair criticism. Hope he achieves all his future dreams.which is great for academic subjects but less appropriate for practical disciplines like engineering and prosthetics. From:  shop trending shirt

Hotnewshirt-Don’t Stop Retrievin’Dog Vintage Shirt

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Buy it:  Don’t Stop Retrievin’Dog Vintage Shirt A fantasy bubble where they think they are safe as long as they are students. But that’s not how this world works. The  Don’t Stop Retrievin’Dog Vintage Shirt  on the ground is quite different and complex. However, we all would be wrong to wholly blame the students for this misfortune. The societal construct for the present education system and the helicopter parenting are mostly to be blamed for. Social medias also are part of why the present generation seems to live in a fantasy bubble. From:  shop trending shirt

Hotnewshirt-Class Of 2020 Senior The Year Is Got Real Shirt

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Buy it:  Class Of 2020 Senior The Year Is Got Real Shirt If it was your choice to move home to free bed and board, that’s not the  Class Of 2020 Senior The Year Is Got Real Shirt   fault. If your uni asked you to leave halls then rent should be suspended. It’s also not your landlord’s fault if you’ve been working rather than take out a student maintenance loan. Come on kids !! You’re supposed to be the smart ones, work it out !! Oh and before I get told I know nothing about student finance, son is doing history master’s and has remained in his rented student house. From:  shop trending shirt

Hotnewshirt-Champions Class Of 2020 Senior Skip Day Shirt

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Buy it:  Champions Class Of 2020 Senior Skip Day Shirt To all these people in the  Champions Class Of 2020 Senior Skip Day Shirt  belittling students.. just like many of you, we’re struggling financially during these crazy times, the best option was to go home and be with family as any of them could die, not only that, being alone at uni, ‘studying’ would’ve been very difficult especially due to the fact that everything on campus is closed, and all university teaching is online or cancelled, so what’s the point in staying at uni if your not learning to the full extent? Not only that, the university’s are advising us to go home, so why should we still pay rent? Considering we are on student finance From:  shop trending shirt

Hotnewshirt-Champions 2020 Senior Skip Day Quarantine For Pandemic Shirt

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Buy it:  Champions 2020 Senior Skip Day Quarantine For Pandemic Shirt We cannot apply for any other income like housing benefits, or universal credit for example because we don’t qualify – so the  Champions 2020 Senior Skip Day Quarantine For Pandemic Shirt   amount of student finance we’re getting which doesn’t even cover the full cost of rent in most cases, is the only source of income we’re getting to cover the cost of basic necessities to live over the next few months – and some of us have to pay rent to stay where we’re currently living at. So before you go ripping into us students and ‘welcoming us to adulthood’ think before you go into all the technical rubbish, we don’t know how long this coronavirus lockdown will last, and that source of income will run out very shortly, the highest maintenance loan a student can get is £3000 a term (which is the minority, these are for students who come from low income households) so up until august that’s all we have ...

Hotnewshirt-Aloha Miami Shirt

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Buy it:  Aloha Miami Shirt A tough one ..as the  Aloha Miami Shirt  is owned by landlords who probably have mortgages to pay and may not be able to have the 3 month mortgage holiday and may not be a big property owner who can ride this. If kids have gone back home then chances are they are living at home for free …so does it make a huge difference as they were expecting to pay that rent in any case. So hard to keep everyone happy. From:  shop trending shirt

Hotnewshirt-Waiter 2020 Quarantined Shirt

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Buy it:  Waiter 2020 Quarantined Shirt It’s my understanding students are still being paid loans and bursarys, which are supposed to help with rent. If they choose to move home (and weren’t forced to) and are still claiming bursaries then I don’t think they should receive a refund. The  Waiter 2020 Quarantined Shirt  employed landlords who own the halls/flats still have council tax, mortgage payments etc to pay and they aren’t receiving support. From:  shop trending shirt

Hotnewshirt-Tom Brady Gronk 20 Make Tampa Bay Great Again Shirt

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Buy it:  Tom Brady Gronk 20 Make Tampa Bay Great Again Shirt If you still have stuff in student accommodation whilst at home then you are still utilising the facility, and your room in halls / flat can’t be used by anyone else, so it still needs paid for. Student accommodation is a total rip off from start to finish, over priced, has to be paid for when most of the  Tom Brady Gronk 20 Make Tampa Bay Great Again Shirt  they are not there because of the course time table. This is another typical example of where things are going very wrong. Common sense may prevail but I wouldn’t hold your breath. From:  shop trending shirt