Hotnewshirt-Just An Ordinary Demi Dad Shirt
Buy it: Just An Ordinary Demi Dad Shirt

Despite a litany of health problems over the Just An Ordinary Demi Dad Shirt that left him frail (he was diagnosed as HIV-positive in 1988), Kramer had a happy domestic life: He lived with Daniel Webster, an architect, from 1994 till his death, and they married in 2013. But his public life was marked by outrage, a need to speak his mind in the bluntest of terms, and a gift for pissing people off. He did just that, in 1978, with his first novel “Faggots,” in which he took to task what he saw as the excesses of gay culture with an almost sermonizing disapproval that set the tone for a lifetime of alienating his allies as well as his enemies.
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